Jan 11, 2009

Chirstmas Angel

This past Christmas Eve, we went to my aunt and uncle's home for what they called, "Follow the Star". We together, watch the Luke 2 movie, and then everyone follows the star (a light on top of the barn) out to the barn where there was a live nativity. Zoey was asked to be the angel. All Christmas season long, I was trying my hardest to teach Zoey why we celebrate Christmas, and about the Nativity Story. I still wasn't sure if she put two and two together. Then I came into the barn, fully expecting her to yell, "Look at me!" and twirling on top of the hay bales. Instead I found a quiet Mary, holding a little 8 week old baby boy, a sturdy looking Joseph, and an angel. Perched atop a hay bale, draped in white, looking down on the nativity scene with a calm, quiet sweetness.
Then I knew. She got it.

6 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

this is SO sweet - what a great experience for all of you to have, but like you said, especially her! She is beautiful!

larainydays said...

She was so angelic up there on the hay - she took it all so seriously and afterward, didn't want to take her angel costume off. It was a sweet moment I won't forget

Sally said...

What a great moment. She is angelic.

Valeri said...

That is so touching. What a sweet little story. It's amazing to think they can comprehend so much at such a young age.

Robin said...

She is beautiful! I miss having you in our ward. Waaa.

Bekah: said...

How did I miss this post? I love it.