Mar 28, 2009


I know its been a while. But this is why...

delicious AZ post and tribute to Liam Boy coming soon

Mar 19, 2009

Sun, Glorious Sun! Warmth, Glorious Warmth!!

Its 87 degrees. Im in AZ and just spent the whole day outside watching the kids slip-n-slide with cousins. I got a sunburn. I don't think I ever want to come home.

Mar 15, 2009

I couldn't resist....


And just because Max looks so handsome in this photo. And because he looks so much like my Dad.

And because this photo made me feel like I still got it.

Mar 8, 2009

Little Bits and Pieces

First off. Daylight Savings and 8:30 church do not mix.

The wii fit has proved to be the best $89 ever spent. The whole family can't get enough, and Zoey is quite the little skier. I highly recommend it. I also love this photo. Zoey looks so grown up to me.

This is our Sunday afternoon ritual. We make cookies together. The kids love it, and I love teaching them all about why it is important to cream the butter and sugar together BEFORE you add the eggs and vanilla. Makes them soft and chewy. Zoey makes sure the dough is adequate before we bake them, as you can see. Liam hates getting sugar (or anything) on his hands. The OCD taking over again. Now that I write that I am reminded of a story my mom tells of me at his age whining because my hands had dirt on them. Hmmm. Maybe he gets it from me...

While showing the kids how to properly roll a snicker doodle in cinnamon sugar, Zoey and I had the following conversation.
Z: "I want to make cookies!"
R: "We are babe, we are making snicker doodles."
Z: "Noodles? I don't want to make NOODLES!"
R: "No honey, snicker DOODLES. They are a really yummy cookie! Doesn't that sound good?"
Z: "No. Sounds like noodles. I want a cookie, not noodles."
I gave up at that point. I think she figured it out eventually, even though she never tried a 'noodle cookie'
We have had some really wonderful weather. I'm talking over 70 degrees. I have loved every minute it didn't feel like I walked into a hair dryer. The kids love being able to go to the park, and it is so nice to open up the windows. I love being out of doors. It has been a while since I got a picture of both the kids, and I never really realized how much the look alike until I saw this photo. Maybe its just me. They sure are beautiful.

Zoey demands camera time if there is one within 10 feet of her. You can see how much Percy adores her. Follows her everywhere. He has a few names now. Damon calls him "The Black Beast of Northal" (?), I call him "Pugglet", or "Perciville", and Zoey is holding strong with "Percy". Although if he gets to excited he won't leave her alone, and I take him away, she says "Pheww! Thanks for saving me."

Liam. Left to his own devices. Decided one peanut butter and honey sandwich isn't enough, and took matters into his own hands. This makes me really proud of my parenting. My 23 month old son, on top of the counter, with scissors, glass, and a knife within reach. Just hand over "Mom of the Year" award right now... Liam is talking really well now. He has about 50 words he can say on his own, and can mimic anything else. He is 2 this month. How time flies.
And to end. Zoey-isms
After Dad suggested that she go and change out of her church clothes, she replied " Dad! You're a GENIUS!!"
Wanting approval for writing her letters, she always starts by saying " Whaddya Fink?", and then after I say 'good job', she goes on to say in a very hushed, reverent whisper "Its so prettiful..."
Me asking her to do her job (put her shoes away) she replies "No Prob."
After sending her to her room for not eating her dinner, she says, "Mom! You're driving me CRAZY!!"
Life with Zoey will never be boring.
OOOO Big News. Damon is down stairs right now....READING A BOOK. I have never seen him sit down and read for pleasure. Guess what he is reading? Da Vinci Code. BOOYA! He made fun of me when I read it. Now he is hooked. Look whos laughing now... WOOOHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Mar 6, 2009

My Husband is my Best and my Favorite

I came home from enrichment last night and found this waiting on the table for me.

I'd been wanting one since they came out, just never been ever been able to find one, or justify buying one.  Damon was very sneaky and said, "I have a surprise for you when you get home." I was thinking flowers or something.  Nope.  WiiFit. AWESOME!!!  Anyone wanna come over and play?

Mar 4, 2009

Tulips are My Best and My Favorite

Zoey's latest quote as I was photographing this.

Check here for more

Mar 3, 2009

Welcome Spring

I love this season.  Check out my photo blog for more springtime treats to come.

Get on Your Boots

Go out and get this. Now. Because I Said So.