May 27, 2010
cine capri

Posted by R A C H A E L on Thursday, May 27, 2010 3 thoughts
May 25, 2010
Posted by R A C H A E L on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 2 thoughts
Labels: pink ballet shoes
May 11, 2010
it's beginning to look a lot like summer
We had our first, impromptu BBQ outside last week. It was hot, and I loved it. We grilled chicken apple sausages, had a cold soda, and jumped on the trampoline. Damon found and killed a brown recluse spider on the sprayer of our hose, then Damon 'watered' the kids. I watered my garden. It was a lovely evening. The End.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 2 thoughts
May 9, 2010
3 & 33
I can't believe how much he has changed!
Posted by R A C H A E L on Sunday, May 09, 2010 2 thoughts
spring break, part two
Spring break means lovely weather here in Houston. We went to Galveston, TX for a day, and didn't really get too much of chance to enjoy the weather because of the traffic. Two and a half hours there, two hours back. Normally, it should only take us an hour and a half. AWESOME. We did have a great time shopping and exploring, and playing on Stewart Beach. Beach Play
My brother Joey saw this and commented "I can see your Haaalllloooooo!" He is rather angelic.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Sunday, May 09, 2010 1 thoughts
May 6, 2010
May 3, 2010
Spring Break Part One
We had COMPANY!!!! I know this probably makes me sound super lame- but we hardly EVER get company, so this is a big deal. Damon's parents, Papa and Fancy Grammy, came for 6 whole days!!! This is what we did:
Tuesday we went to show them the house that at the time we thought we were going to build. We went to eat, hung out, shopped a little, showed them cinco ranch (where we are prob building) and let them enjoy the kiddos. Zoey and Liam were beyond excited to have them here. For almost a month before she would ask, "How many more sleeps until they are here?
I commissioned Daddio (thats what Damon calls his dad) to help Damon build a picnic table for the back yard, and also for Liam's birthday party that is later in the week.
Wednesday was BUSY. We went to the up to the Houston temple in Spring, and it is sooo pretty up there! Zoey loves the temple, but has a hard time understanding why she can't go inside. We wound up with her sobbing in the back of the car, "I WANNA TO INSIDE THE TEMPLE!!!" The kids on the temple grounds.
My sweet sweet daughter
After the Temple, which is in Spring, we went to RUDY'S. The best BBQ I've had since I moved here. Their pulled pork sandwich is..... there are no words.
"Bellying Up" to the table, as they say here.
The Gang at Rudy's. The kids love the chicken, and chocolate pudding. Yum.
After Rudy's, we drove downtown to the Aquarium. This is one of my favorite frames that I have ever captured.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Monday, May 03, 2010 3 thoughts