Aug 26, 2010

First Day of Pre-School

Liam is a pre-schooler now.
He feels very big.
He loves is Buzz Lightyear lunch box.
He feels very cool eating lunch out of it, and he gets spiderman fruitsnacks to boot.
I feel like I've lost my baby.

Aug 23, 2010

First Day of School

She picked out the outfit herself, did her hair by herself, and put her shoes on herself.
My big first grader....

Aug 16, 2010



today is just one of those days where I am completely wiped out. Both Liam and Zoey have pushed me to my limit in the first 3 hours of the day. I don't know if it was the move, then vacation, then unpacking, or what. With no real schedule, no real stability, they have turned into monsters. Expectant, entitled monsters. So today, as Liam threw a royal fit and refused to get his hair cut, while at the same time Zoey literally yelled at the girl cutting her hair that she was doing it wrong, I came to the harsh reality that my kids are awful, and I need to do something about it.

Initiating 'de-bratify the brats' phase one.

Got the kids in the car after the hair cut from hell. Just sat there in silence for 15 minutes, praying and asking for guidance.

Went to chick-fil-a, only got myself lunch. Told the kids that had they behaved, they would have chicken nuggets for lunch too.

Drove home. Had a sit down with each kid individually. Zoey is now expected to listen, obey, do her best, and nix the drama. I told her that sometimes people treat her like a four year old, because she is small and looks like one. But she is 6 years old. I am going to tell all of her teachers what we expect of her, and that they are going to expect the same thing. And I mean everyone. The gym child watch teachers, her gymnastics and ballet teachers, primary teachers, and her new school teacher. It has been a struggle since she was four and looked like a 2 year old, but now it is just getting ridiculous.

Liam. This is my fault. He is my baby. I forget that while yes, he is my baby, he is 3 1/2. I treat him like a 2 year old. He has just been AWFUL. He tells me no, talks back, and is just generally a nightmare. So today, I talked with him about respect. He told me no and to leave him alone. He got a bare bum swat, and we tried again. This time he listened. Then I cut his hair, and each time he told me no and to go away, I told him "You don't talk to mom that way", and gave him a pinch on the leg. (which, for whatever reason, is like the worst punishment possible for him) After two pinches, he listened, obeyed, and the hair cut was done in 5 minutes.

Zoey and Liam are in for boot camp. And both of them have new hair cuts.

I won this round. Family night will be all about this subject all over again. I hope we can undo the damage that we caused before it becomes permanent. I love my kids and I really feel like a failure as a mother that I let it get to this point. They are both wonderful, beautiful kids, but I have learned the harsh lesson that kids need boundaries. Real, consistent boundaries. With out them, they don't know what is appropriate or what is expected of them. I am going to be in for it the next couple weeks, but I need to do this for my kids sake, and my sanity.

Sorry this is kinda ramble ramble and hap hazard. But I need to write it down. Just to put it out there. I need help. I need words of wisdom. How do I fix this?