Feb 25, 2011


I had my ultrasound this week. I brought with me my entourage: the Husby, the Grandma, the Zoe, and the Liam.

About 2 minutes into it she says to Zoey, "Do you want a sister?"

Zoey: "SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" (lots of wiggling/bouncing in the seat)


Tech: "It's a girl, see? "(clearly no stem on the apple)

Zoey: "Mom. You were WRONG"

Me: "Its a girl? Really?"

Husby: "Don't worry honey, I won't rub it in that I've been right every time. Or that you've been wrong every time..."

The whole rest of the ultra sound I was in a total daze. I was 100% sure it was a boy. I even bought stuff for the nursery. And some clothes. I mean, I was THAT sure.

Mom took me out for some pink retail therapy and after I felt much better. Although I had to deal with Zoey the whole time saying, "Mom, only think about girl babies now. They are so much fun!" and "Mom, you were so wrong." and "This will be so cute for her!!" and filling the basket with clothes. (Thank you Grandma for treating me and Zoey and baby girl with some really cute stuff!!)
All in all, my baby girl has "perfect anatomy" as the Dr put it, and she is doing great. My favorite part was seeing how emotional Husby still gets whenever he talks about the new arrival. How he loves his girls.

Feb 15, 2011

300th Post...

This is what it looked and felt like on a glorious Sunday afternoon ride.

(don't you love Liam's get up? )

This is what it looked like 5 days later.

My kids look so cute in snow gear. Zoey came in at 7 am and said, "There is snow outside" Dad quickly located the cold weather gear and I went outside with Zoey. She informed me after taking 3 steps outside, "This is NOT snow." Its her Colorado blood.

Liam attacking me with one of his 'no-balls' as the kids called them. Not the best snowball snow. But the kids had fun anyway...

See? NO-BALL!!!

At least it made for some pretty snow angles...

Feb 12, 2011

Recipe for a baby

vanilla yogurt with strawberries
2 Philly cheese steaks
french fries
hot fudge brownie Sunday with chocolate custard with whipped cream
handful of trail mix
spinach and garlic chicken sausage on whole wheat bun
1 heaping bowl of whole wheat pasta salad

and its only 7: 30 pm.

this gives baby hungry a whole new meaning.

Feb 2, 2011

Food for a mothers soul

Every Tuesday and Thursday I wake little Liam up early to get ready for school. It has been a particularly cold couple of days here in Austin, and so Liam was completely covered in quilts, with blanket dot covering his head. I poked around to find him in his quilts and when I did he sat up and with one eye open and in croaky little voice said,

"Wanna nuggle?"

and made room for me on the bed under the covers.

We were a little late to preschool that day, but it was so worth it.