Saturday I went to the Relief Society General Broadcast, and they introduced a book- Daughters in My Kingdom. I started reading it this afternoon and it began by talking about the purpose of the book. I was struck by a phrase in scripture, "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." I know the authors were getting at the small things we do in relief society, but to me, as I was holding my sweet sleeping Josslynn reading that phrase suddenly took on a whole new meaning. That phrase struck me with the responsibility I have as a mother.
My small and simple things are my children. My children can bring to pass great things, but it will depend on me as their mother to show them, to teach, and lead them. They are my blank canvas that I can paint a beautiful picture filled with light, love and faith. How greatful I am to have this job. Often times as a busy mom I forget that the small and simple things I do are bringing to pass great things! I have to remember that every effort I make in raising my kids in the gospel will not go un-noticed. All the small and simple things will be easier to do now, knowing what purpose I do them for.