Mar 26, 2012


I miss them.

Mar 25, 2012

School Carnival

Friday was the highly anticipated Spring Carnival at Zoey's school. The children had a blast, and the 'hamster ball' was the big hit of the night. Liam went on and on about how rock and roll he is for doing the hamster ball TWICE. That kid makes me laugh. Zoey had a lot of fun with her friends, and I was so happy when Damon joined us! He had been gone all week!! All in all, a very successful spring carnival.

Mar 22, 2012

Nasher Basher

It's been almost 2 years since Nash became part of the family. I don't know many dogs that will allow a 4 year old to sit on his head for an entire movie, or slowly follow a little crawling baby out of concern. Happy Birthday Nash! You are the goofiest dog I've ever had. And the best.


Nash staring at the floor hoping there will be a remnant of dinner on it soon.

Mar 20, 2012

Laguna Beach

Damon and I had a little get a way earlier this month. Hooray for corporate retreats!! Grandma came out to watch the kids- and this was my first time leaving the babe- and it was great! Five perfect days in Laguna Beach. At the Surf and Sand Resort, no less. Again, hooray for corporate retreats!

I love my husband. Spending time with him is such a treat.


Mar 19, 2012

The calm before the storm

The sky is supposed to open up tonight. I stayed up waiting for it. Its funny. As soon as you start to drift off to sleep, you hear the thunder. I love the rain. It brings change. Change is good.

Sea World

So first off- blogging from my iPhone is seriously awesome. :)

Second part of spring break was SEAWORLD. Liam's favorite place in the world. It was crowded. But it was fun. We almost got kicked out of the shamu show. Josslynn was a trooper. All the kids were. Fun was had by all and we made it home with some very tired kids!

Spring Break

Damon's sister Rylee and her beautiful girls, my darling nieces, K and A came for a lovely visit. We are trying to convince her to move here. Like really trying. The kiddos loved having there super cool cousins to visit.

After showing then the beauty Austin has to offer, we went on down to Dan Antonio. Saw the Alamo, the river walk, and Little Joss found a bag of Reese's that made her day!

Facebook- so hot right now

Ok I am just going to say it. I am really sick of Facebook. Just kinda done. I don't know if its just me, but I feel like its just a platform for people to whine/voice political opinions. So I'm going to spend all the time I would on Facebook blogging. Entering my families activities onto something worthwhile, as opposed to reading pointless status updates. I am in now way trying to offend anyone, and I totally know FB has its place, but I feel like its place in my life is a bit too big for my own good. Thus my new idea to keep track of my life, and my families, THE BLOG.

Blogging- its so hot right now.
One of the many photo booth gems on my computer.