May 30, 2012


This post is a bit personal- and may be classified TMI- Fair warning.

Josslynn is done nursing.  Bittersweet.  I love nursing.  Lets just say 'She's a biter', and leave it at that.
The inevitable consequence to stopping is that my glorious pregnant/nursing, ahem, 'ladies', seem to disappear overnight.  

Yes.  Tragic.

So last week I took myself out shopping to a lovely lady named Victoria who apparently has a lot of secrets to find a suitable arrangement.  

They measured me.  They measured me again.  The manager came out and measured me.  She looked puzzled and sighed, then finally said- "I think we might make some in your size..."

Two.  Two 'sister slings' that would fit my wide ribcage and lack of the entire store.

So I did what any self respecting woman would do.

I bought the leopard print one.  With rhinestones.

May 28, 2012

Bathing Beauty

Joss went swimming today. It wasn't her favorite. We will have to work on that.

May 27, 2012

I love to see the Temple

Our wonderful ward put on a Primary Temple Day. 

  The Primary Presidency and the Youth watched the children while the parents did a session, so I didn't  actually get to go do a session, but I loved it.  It was a lot of work, but it was a big success.  

The San Antonio Temple is Beautiful, and the excitement of my children to see the temple was worth all the work.  We are so blessed to have temples.

May 11, 2012

Mini Olympics

Check out Toaster's sweet new skills...

She did her routines in public for the first time last weekend.  It was a great experience for her.  She left feeling accomplished and "not so scared to do that in front of a judge", as she put it.  We are so proud of out little Toaster.  Gymnastics has been such a blessing for her.  At the beginning of the school year, and through the whole first semester, she really struggled academically.  We were seriously thinking moving her back to first grade.  Then she made the team, and it was like something switched on for her.  It was the confidence boost she needed.  Now she is reading in the top of her class, her writing has greatly improved, and she is placed into the pace math program.  All in 4 months.  She  did all that in school WHILE training 8 hours a week after school.  She is amazing.   I love her so much and am so proud of her.  Go Toaster Go.

May 3, 2012

Photo Update

Wipes: Best baby toy ever.

Baby really likes the camera.