Dec 30, 2007
The Denver Aquarium
Posted by R A C H A E L on Sunday, December 30, 2007 3 thoughts
Dec 25, 2007
Christmas Day
Posted by R A C H A E L on Tuesday, December 25, 2007 0 thoughts
Dec 23, 2007
Zoey's Christmas Message
Love to you all.
Damon, Rachael, Zoey and Liam
Posted by R A C H A E L on Sunday, December 23, 2007 2 thoughts
Dec 22, 2007
Cody's visit to Colorado
Posted by R A C H A E L on Saturday, December 22, 2007 0 thoughts
Dec 17, 2007
The Polar Express
Today was really fun. We went swimming, and played at McDonalds, went to fuzziwigs candy store, and serious texas bbq. If you haven't been there, its worth the trip to durango just to eat there. They have the best ribs. By far and a away the best thing was riding the polar express train this evening. Zoey and Liam's eyes were like saucers. Zoey has never been so excited about something except when grandma and grandpa come. She kept asking all day, "lets go ride the express!" or " Lets see Santa!" She even broke out in to song a few times. "Santa clause is coming to town!" This is the first Christmas that she really understands whats going on. It is so much fun for me. Zoey was so excited to see the train pulling up to the station, with all the steam and the whistle blowing. She loved the hot chocolate and Liam loved the rice crispy treats. Liam could have cared less until Santa showed up with a bell for him. He just gawked at him and then grabbed that bell faster that you could imagine. They both looked so cute in thier jammas and slippers. That is a really fun Christmas tradition. The best part for me was how many compliments I get on my kids. The driver of the train and the conductor both stopped us and told us what beautiful kids we have. I want to make a shirt that says, "My kids are cuter than yours!" I think I will and only wear it around my house. I am such a vain mother.
Liam is so funny. Zoey always plays with him and pretends she is a monster. She growls at him and he smiles and laughs. Yesterday he started growling back! It is the funniest thing to hear this 8 month old growl at his sister.
Zoey is still not asleep, its almost 10:30. She is making train noises in bed. She is on overload for sure.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Monday, December 17, 2007 0 thoughts
Dec 14, 2007
Snowbound in Colorado

Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, December 14, 2007 2 thoughts
Dec 10, 2007
Its been a wonderful week and a half. Liam's baby blessing was on December 2, and Damon's parents, and my family was up to visit. Friday we decorated the tree, Saturday was our "Christmas", and we all exchanged gifts, and had a big turkey dinner. I still can't believe we crammed all 10 of us around the table. Zoey loves her pair of Chirstmas dresses that both Grandma Eddington and Pullman gave her. She calls them her fancy dresses. The blessing was wonderful and we have had so many people comment on how cool it was the Liam was blessed with a sense of humor. Damon bore is testimony which was also so sweet to hear. It was so nice to hang out with our family.

Max is in Estonia now! He seems to be doing really well, and enjoying himself. It was really cool to see Damon on the phone with him in the air port chattering away in Russian.
Grandma Eddington gave Zoey an advent calendar, which a few days ago I found empty with a very satisfied Zoey looking up at me. She said in a very triumphant voice, "Look Mommy, I ate it all!!" I guess I didn't really explain the whole concept very well.
The countdown to Christmas has begun! I am so excited. I was able to play in Church and at a Stake Christmas Music Fireside. It always feels more like Christmas after things like that. Friday was our ward christmas party. They had so much food. It was a lot of fun to hang out with friends and be all christmasy together.
I'll continue the update later today, I have to go to playgroup!
Posted by R A C H A E L on Monday, December 10, 2007 0 thoughts
Nov 29, 2007
I thought I would post all the things that Zoey calls her little brother.
BOY! BOY! BOY! (this continues until he looks at her)
Baby Broyer!
Silly goose
Seeker ( She is trying to say Squeaker)
On a totally different note, I just herd Damon in the bathroom asking Zoey if she "dropped the kids off at the pool, Oh you did! You went poop!" I have no idea where he gets this stuff. Never a dull moment at the Pullman house.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Thursday, November 29, 2007 0 thoughts
Nov 26, 2007
Zoey's latest
She has formed the habit of saying "gross" to everything. Liam had a booger this morning, and she said," Ewww! Wiam has a booger! Ewww Gwosss!!" She'll walk around the house and if anything repulses her, and I mean anything, she yells, "EWWW Gwoss!!" I love how she says it too. Gwoss! A plastic bug, Gwoss! Liam eating a banana, Gwoss! Zoey going pee, Gwoss! Gwoss! Gwoss!
Posted by R A C H A E L on Monday, November 26, 2007 0 thoughts
Nov 23, 2007
Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, November 23, 2007 2 thoughts
Nov 17, 2007
The Week in Review
Wednesday was gymnastics, or nanastics as the zoe calls it. The whole way over she kept saying, "I wuv nanastics!" She loves it and got into the class with all her pre-school buddies. Her teacher, Mr. Zach, didn't realize how much shorter she is than the rest of the class. They have a step mat up to the bar to have them hang on it, and she couldn't even reach it. She tried several times to jump and grab the bar, but to no avail. She still did really well, and she wears her leotard evey day and practices her somersaults and back bends. She is even close to doing her backwards somersaults all by her self.
Thursday was Zoey's Preschool class thanksgiving feast. The whole class is girls, and they all had on there pi
Friday night is our rotisserie chicken night. Zoey climbed up to the table and say it on teh plate and said,"Yum! I love frogs!" I guess it does look a little like a frog... Anyways.
Liam is fast becoming expert at rolling to things. I don't think he will even bother to figure out crawling. He is so strong, and will stand with his hands on something if you stand him up. At his last Dr.s appt he said he think Liam will walk at 10 months. I just sat there thinking, 'Please NO!!" He is very strong and very coordinated. Damon is very proud. Its so fun to see him with his boy. He seriously eats about 4 times the amount of food that Zoey ate. He will nurse, and then down a 6 oz bottle, and then eat some cheerios. When he eats solids its 2 jars of baby food, juice and cheerios. Our grocery bill is going to double when he eats regular food. What a healthy happy boy!
Until something else happens..
Posted by R A C H A E L on Saturday, November 17, 2007 0 thoughts
Nov 9, 2007
Liam got his first tooth!!
Awesome! The first tooth is through! Finally! He was one cranky kid. and now he is back to his charming self. Whaoo!!
Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, November 09, 2007 0 thoughts
Nov 7, 2007
Zoey's first day of Gymnastics
Hey! Zoey loved her class today. She is a dare devil. She tried everything and loved it. She didn't want to leave Miss Cathy and "nastics". What suprized me most was how she acted to this harness attached to a pulley system that flies the kids like 30 feet in the air and lets them flip all over the place. I thought Zoey would freak out a little. Oh no no no, She LOVED it. It even suprized Miss Kathy. She wanted another turn. She was up there flipping around and loving every minute of it. By the end of class, she was somersalting and flipping around the little bar thing. We have found something that she loves.
Monday we went to see the Bee movie for family home evening. That is a really cute show. Now Zoey is asking to watch the bug movie. At least is isn't sponge bob.
Liam is teething. And not well either. I'm talking the whole awful nine yards. The snot, the diahrrea ( not sure if I spelled that right, and I don't care enought to check, sorry Mom.) the restlessness. I haven't slept well in a few days, and I feel a cold coming on.
Zoey has quite the imagination. Its funny how that all of the sudden happens. An old piece of paper is suddenly a treasure map, a piece of string is a snake, she is so creative.
I lost a pound. The biking is paying off. YESSSSS!!
Till next time...
Posted by R A C H A E L on Wednesday, November 07, 2007 0 thoughts
Nov 1, 2007
Halloween was much more fun this year. Apart from being freezing, and everyone praying it wouldn't snow, it was really fun. Our ward had a trunk or treat and chili cook-off. We decoarted the car and Zoey had it down pat. She would walk up to anyone with candy and yell,"twick or tweat!" and then after recieving the candy she would yell,"Thanks!". Everyone thought she was adorable. Liam was hangin' out. Too cold to really care. It was fun and now Zoey won't eat anything but suckers and reeses. She is wired. Hope you all had a wonderful halloween too!
Posted by R A C H A E L on Thursday, November 01, 2007 0 thoughts
Labels: 1
Oct 28, 2007
A funny thing happened...
Just had to post this. Today was stake conference, which was absolutely wonderful. About 20 minutes from the end, Zoey was cleaning her hands from a rolo with a wet wipe. ( Yes, I gave her candy to keep her quiet. 2 hours of reverence is a lot to ask from a 3 year old.) Anyways so she is done and I didn't hear her when she was trying to give the wipe back to me. So out of the blue we hear her say, "FIRE!!", and then catapult the wadded up wet wipe at my face. Every one in a 3 row raduis was dying trying not to laugh. Church is much more fun with Zoey.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Sunday, October 28, 2007 1 thoughts
Oct 27, 2007
I got my road bike!!
Yesterday was a treat. Damon took the day off and hung out with the family. We went to Ascent Cycling and got my bike fitted, and the shoes and clips. I am ready to go. It is the most awesome thing ever! I rode for a half hour and could have rode forever. It is such a great workout, I am really sore today. Good thing its too cold to go out. I haven't felt worked out so well since I was running. 8 years ago. I can't believe its been that long. I feel so grateful that I've found something that I can compete in. Damon is going to get one in a month.
Zoey had fun at the bike shop. She kept calling all the bikes, "My tricycle." The two guys that own the shop thought she was a hoot. What a silly goose.
We had a disasterous date on Friday night too. We went to see transformers at the dollar theater, and the movie broke. So we went to get some sushi, and the restaraunt closed at 9:45, and we arrived at 10. Who closes at 9:45 on a weekend? Seriously? So we came home to a dissapionted babysitted who didn't make as much as she thought. We just watched a CSI rerun and went to bed. What a hot date. Tonight doesn't count as a date. Adult session of Stake conference never counts.
I'll never figure out the weather here. Yesterday was beautiful, and today is freezing!! Tomarrow is going to be beautiful again. Its always cold on halloween. Everyday next week is mid 60's, except halloween. 51, with a low of 35. Seriously.
Love ya!
Go Sun Devils!
Posted by R A C H A E L on Saturday, October 27, 2007 0 thoughts
Oct 25, 2007
Pullman Happenings
Hey Everyone.
Today was exciting. Zoey went to preschool and made the decorations for Halloween Party on Tuesday. Then we went to the park. Zoey rode her trike and is completely worn out. I love the trike. Best 30 dollars I ever spent. The weather is perfect. 70 degrees. We are savoring the last of the good weather. I hate waiting for winter. Its looming. I know its going happen. But is hasn't happened yet. At the park, we found a pet. A little frog. Zoey has named it Ribbit. She has been peering in at the little thing saying "Come here, little ribbit!" and then freaking out when it jumps. Its a love hate relationship.
I had an exciting day. I got a new lap top a week ago, and I made my first DVD. I made a slide show of a bunch of pictures. It worked! I was so pleased. Now I need some decent music to put with it. Today I pick up my bike!! I got to get it fitted tonight. I can't tell you how excitied I am about it. I want to to the triple bipass next summer. Its a 150 mile ride through the 1-70 corridor. Yeah baby. I need a new hobby.
Liam loved the park and just looked at the frog like, What the heck? Then he got mad the Zoey ate all his fruit puffs. I went to target to day with him and that has to be one of my favorite things to do. Get compliments from eceryone on how cute my baby is. I always say, "thanks, I know." Talk about the cutest kids ever.
I have to run practice the violin. I am playing in Stake Conference on Sunday.
Love to all
Posted by R A C H A E L on Thursday, October 25, 2007 0 thoughts
Oct 24, 2007
Hello to All!
So this begins the Pullman Blog. Hopefully this will be easier than the "weekly" updates that we were trying to do.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2 thoughts