Its snowing. I swear it has snowed every day for the past 2 weeks. OK maybe not every day, but close. This week was fun, and cold. Sunday was scary. The shootings here happened 5 minutes away from our home. We call that church "the great and spacious building", but it is terrible that that happened, and really frightening that it happened so close to us. Sunday night we had a stake christmas music fireside, and I got to play violin in a few numbers. It was really sweet, and now it really feels like Christmas. I love playing the songs and singing the hymns of Christmas and our Savior. Music makes me feel the spirit more than anything else. I am so grateful I got to play. Tuesday was a big snow day. We got about 5 inches. Zoey's pre-school was cancelled, and we had a fun day inside making and wrapping presents, and making cookies. Snow days are going to be fun in the future. Tuesday night Damon and I went to Damon's first cycling class. I got him a road bike for Christmas, and am a little miffed that he wanted to use it before Christmas, but oh well. It was quite fun to totally kick his butt, but he did much better than I thought he would. He really enjoyed it and I am so glad we found something that we can do together, that we both love.
Liam is so so close to crawling. He is getting a bit frusterated, he spins in circles and can't quite figure out how to move forward. He is such a happy boy, and calls me all the time. "Mamamamam" He loves me most. He eats like crazy, and has recently developed the habit of what we call 'night pooping'. He always always always poops between 2-4 am, and during nap time. Not fun to walk into that room and be floored by the smell. Yikes. He rolls right over to the presents under the tree and plays with the ribbon, and Zoey promptly tells on him.

Zoey rocked gymnastics again this week. Mr. Zach is her favorite person in the world. She finished her christmas shopping, and was very disappionted that she couldn't get Liam the barbie island princess doll for a present, and Dad a bride dress up. She has started asking to go to bed when Liam does, so its been a very nice week for us. She showed us some major attitude when we sent her to her room. She stomped down the hall, yelled something that we couldn't understand, and then slammed the door, then repeated this 5 or 6 times. It was so funny, we couldn't stop laughing, which, I think, made things worse. what a doll. Zoey is really starting to notice phrases. Yesterday I was getting the christmas cards ready and she plopped down and said, "Whats up mommy." I am constantly taken back by how fast she learns. I taught her how to use sissors, and now my poor vacum it constantly sucking up zoey confetti. She has figured out how to dress herself, and she love to help me put on makeup. She is growing up way to fast.
We made a gingerbread house yesterday. Zoey thought she had died and gone to heaven. It was a free for all candy. I knew that things had gotten out of hand when Damon started squirting the frosting directly into Zoey's mouth. Lovely. The house turned out great, and Zoey was buzzing all night.
I finished christmas shopping yesterday. I am done!! Now the christmas cards go out today, and I can relax. Whaoo! The cards turned out cute. I love that picture of the kids. I am so blessed to have such beautiful children.
Today we hung out with the petersons. Jen and I went to culvers for lunch witht he whole crew. Its sad when the kids out number the adults 2 to 1. Andy is Zoeys little boyfriend and they always kiss goodbye when one of them has to go home. So cute.
We leave for Durango on Sunday. We go to ride the polar express. Should be fun.
2 thoughts:
This was so fun to read! You are such a good mommy to your two cute kids. We did gingerbread houses also, looks like we found the same ones at good old Costco. I love that place!
Good ol' costco! I totally copied your music thing. Hope thats OK! I love your blogg!!
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