I hope you all had a great Easter. Ours was full of the usual events, but none the less fun and exciting for the kids. Saturday we met the Easter Bunny at the Y, made crafts and decided to scrap the Easter Egg hunt due to snow. Seriously. Saturday night was fun. A bunch of my girls went up to the outlets at Castle Rock. Hooray for Banana Republic. I had never been to the outlets, and I am in love with them. Gymboree had the cutest Easter outfits for Liam. I have been so frustrated by boy clothes. Girl clothes are sooo much more fun. Thus Liam got 2 things he needed and Zoey got 5 things she didn't. All in all, a successful shopping trip.
Funny little anecdote. I made rolls on Saturday for Easter dinner. 4 dozen rolls. 48 rolls. I left to go shopping and when I returned 3 hours later, there were 14 left. Zoey ate maybe 1 1/2, Liam ate maybe 2, and I ate one before I left. That means Damon ate, drum roll please. 29 1/2 rolls in one night. Gross. I guess that means I am pretty good at making rolls. I should take it as a compliment.
Sunday was the more eventful day. The kids woke up at 8, Damon got up with them, and I woke up at 9:30. I love Damon. He lets me sleep in. What a gentleman. Anyways, when I got up, we got the easter baskets ready and hid them for the kids. Liam got some books and a bunny, Zoey got a polly pocket type princess thing and a bunny ( these are stuffed bunnies), and they both got a missive amount of candy. They also really enjoyed the Easter packages sent to them by both sets of Grandparents. Thanks guys! So we spent the morning playing with the toys, and watching to see when Zoey would freak out when Liam got too close to her 'Cinalella' and 'Mr. Prince'. The horse and carriage was a particular draw to the boy. I can't wait for the day when she realizes that she is the big sister and can just get up and leave the room. One day.... Then we got ready for church. I must say my kids are pretty cute. They looked very spring-y in their Easter clothes.
Church was great, lots of music about our Savior, great talks from great people, Easter is always wonderful. I left early when I heard from the Taylors that my brother was in the hospital from a wakeboarding accident. I called and found out that he is fine but did something to his knee. For those of you wondering, yes, this is the same brother that is getting married to Breaelle Taylor in 6 weeks. Luckily my Ortho is a family friend, and is getting Cody in quickly. He (my brother) is optimistic that it is just a sprain. I, on the other hand, am not so much. Having had major knee problems, I know to hope for the best, but expect and prepare for the worst. It is really swollen, and he goes on to get and MRI soon. I'll update you more later. What is kinda sad but funny is that the rest of my family is on vacation in Hawaii. He is all alone in AZ. Thank goodness we have a lot of other family there to take care of him. After I got all of that sorted out, I made Easter dinner, and more rolls. I miss my double oven. It was delicious. Easter is my favorite holiday meal. Ham and Au Gratin Potatoes. Damons mom has this recipe that is to die for. Ask me for it later. All in all a great Easter weekend.
I'll end with some Zoey-isms
Playing with her Prince Charming doll, and telling him," Mr. Prince, I have a nose booger!"
I was tucking her hair behind her ear and telling her how pretty she is, and she looked at me and said, "Stop playing with my hair!" I apologized, and then she said,"Its OK, now go eat your dinner!" It wasn't even dinner time...
6 thoughts:
As always, your kiddos look adorable. I am sad I missed the Outlet shopping spree, but I am positive there will be another one.
I want that roll recipe.
You are in my blog again today.:)
I can't believe Damon ate that many rolls. What a little piggie. The kids look great as always.
Your dinner sounds soooo delish. And those rolls do also! Go Damon! Is it an easy recipe? I am not so good at things with yeast.
It is! Its Aunt Mary's roll recipie. Its really easy, only rises once and only for like a half hour. I'll post it and the Au Gratin reipie when I have more time. I'll give you a teaser though. 4 cups whole milk and 6 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese. Deffinately not diet food.
whole milk, 6 cups of cheese? Yes please! I can't wait until your closer and then I can come eat your yummy food!!
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