Do I need to say more? Come on already! Its the 13th of April, and I had to reschedule a photo shoot because its too cold outside. It is so sad that I am reduced to longing for spring like I longed for a boyfriend in the 7 th grade. Pathetic! The weather men in Colorado Springs have the easiest job. They probably just have a conference call every morning to decide what they are going to say, and make some random predictions, because it really doesn't matter. They are always wrong. Except for windy. That's something you could bet the farm on.
See!! Wow! I'm one proud Mama.
Zoey had her first soccer game on Saturday! I was impressed that she could run and pick her nose at the same time. She is a head shorted than all but one on her team, and her jersey looks like a dress on her. Zoey is adorable in her dress-jersey and shin guards. She gets the not picking up the ball with her hands, and runs like a woodland sprite. It was thoroughly entertaining hour. She is the last one on the right. After the game, she was super excited about the juice box and treats, and she got new tennis shoes. Yes, she finally grew out of her size 6 converse shoes! Go Zoey!
Ever since I saw Liz's post about her little girl in her twirly dress, I had an idea for a cool photograph. It took over a hundred frames to get 4 that I liked, but they are really cool! Makes me feel like a little girl again. Let me know which one you like the best. I am having a hard time deciding! I want to enlarge one for her room.
That's it for this weekend! Until next post
6 thoughts:
I like the 2nd one the best but they are all so cute!!
I like the first or second one. How fun for Zoey to play soccer. I asked Nicole if she wanted to play when her arm was better and she was sooooo excited. So maybe I can sign her up this summer when her arm is better.
Hey!! What a fun post, go Liam!! He's a smart little guy for sure :o). That's so cute to see Zoey in her soccer uniform, how fun!
I like the 2nd picture of her spinning the best, nice photography!
I like the 1st or 3rd ones the best. Liam is so smart. What a cute little boy. I can totally picture her playing soccer and how she was running. She is so petite and cute.
#3 is my favorite!
I am longing for Spring too. It was nice to play at the park today with you guys. Bring on more of those days (days that require sunscreen)!!!
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