I was at girls camp all week, ( I will post more on that later) and Liz came up to talk to the girls about how being in the arts and dancing allowed her to stand for truth and righteousness, and also did a dance as part of our program that evening. It was amazing. I was obsessed with how graceful her hands are, and how beautiful she is. She danced on this teeny tiny stage, and the girls were in awe. So was I. If you don't know Liz, let me let you in on how awesome she is. She is an amazing woman, talented, beautiful, mother of 4 handsome boys and a cute little girl. She is taking care of them all alone while her husband is in Iraq. He is a doctor for the army, and has been gone too long (a year, and still has 5 months to go, I think). She wame all the way from Utah to talk to us at camp, and then drove back. She does all of this while looking like she just stepped out of a Banana Republic add, and can dance so well it makes you cry. What a woman!

4 thoughts:
Those are beautiful pictures!!! She is awesome to watch.
she was breathtaking - so are your photos! I'm so glad you were there all week - I had tons of fun hanging out with you and all the girls!
I wish I could've seen it. What talent!
Well, Rachel, I have to say that you make me look much more graceful than I am! Thank you! And thanks for such a fun day! I loved getting to know you better! You are an amazingly talented and wonderful person! On the whole I felt priveleged to be up there. It was a great experience! Anyway, thanks again for your kind words and beautiful photos! You made my day!
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