The Eddington Fam in Moab. Two Words. Wii Tournament. Yeah baby....
(there is a super funy video at the end of this post.)

This is the whole gang, minus Max, who is serving a mission in the Baltic States. (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.) Cody got the bright idea from Damon to shave his head. Cody has such thick hair it BROKE Damon's groomer thingy, and then they had to use something else and it shaved it really short. Then he looked a little like Uncle Fester... Did I mention that Breaelle had NO IDEA he was going to do that! It was funny to hear her scream "YOU SHAVED YOUR HEAD!!???" and seeing her chase him out of their room.
We went to Arches and hiked to delicate arch. I felt the urge to do yoga, and fought the slightly more destructive urge to randomly get super-human powers and push it over...
I have to say, that frame is DOPE. I love lens flare.
This frame is also funny because one of those five, ahem, tooted, right before I took this. I think my moms face is the best, possibly Cinny. I can't decide...
Zoey doing Yoga with Grandpa
My little sis Corinn. She's a beauty. And she will be sooo embarrassed that I said that.
We also went to a mountain lake. Mainly to shake the aspen trees, and just to drive around. I got some way cute pics.

Liam. Too cute for words.
I was especially in love with this frame. Doesn't it just make you jealous that you aren't a little kid anymore?
Now for the wii tournament. 2 nights. First night, Girls against boys. There was a huge upset. THE GIRLS WON!! BOO-YAA! Second Night, it was a free for all. Everyone played their best events, and winners picked out their prizes (candy bars.) Everyone looked ridiculous, especially Joey and Cinny doing the dream race. After the tournament it was watching two of our favorite childhood movies. Blackbeard's Ghost, and Rocket Man. Seriously, if you have never seen Rocket Man, see it. You will pee your pants laughing. If you can, watch it with someone under 12. Its even funnier. Favorite quotes "Lets do this again using what we like to call 'The Right Way'..." "WASN'T ME!!" Ahhh, good times... Before I finish this post, I thought I would leave you with this video. Its my bro Cody, pre- Fester haircut, doing the pole vault on the wii.
Yes. His voice just went that high. Impressive...
11 thoughts:
How fun. I lov Moab and I hope to go again. This time without any accidents
Looks like fun. Makes me want to go on a big family vacay!
Oh man, looks like SO much fun. I love family get togethers. You guys look like such a fun family! That is a funny story about Cody and him shaving his head!
That's crazy! My brother was called to the Lithuania mission as well! He's been back for quite some time now but he mainly served in Latvia. I've never heard of anyone else getting called there!
I have been meaning to get in touch with you for so long! You know how that goes...So I heard you guys are coming for Christmas? We have to do the white elephant party when we are both there. I can't beleive how big your kids are doing... I can't believe you are only a year older than me, I have a ways to catch up huh :) Well I can't wait to see you! Talk to you later, Melissa
Thanks for posting this Rachael. It brings back all the fun memories. I'm glad you didn't take any pictures in the hot tub!!! We can't wait for Christmas.
this looks like fun! oreo's included! You have a great family - all I hear about is the fun!
How fun. How about a Thanksgiving Wii tournament? Burn off some of those calories.
I love that you guys have already started family reunions...your family is growing so fast! Mainly thanks to you!! Ditto in my family (hint hint Melissa!) That video was soooo funny!
Well, now I have an idea of how ridiculous I must look doing that event. I am telling you the first time I tried the Olympics, my arms were so sore the next day! Pretty pathetic that a video game could make me sore. Well, Rachael, it has been too long. We need to catch up. Love ya!
Okay the video is hilarious, I'm still laughing.
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