Arizona and spring break go together like peanut butter and jelly. Perfection. BBQ and playing at the park for FHE was actually chilly, but grandpa kept the kids entertained. I love that game.
Zoey discovered her inner migrant worker while she was there, and picked almost all of the rest of the navel oranges off my parents tree. Well, all that were within her reach. Grandma and Zoey spent lots of time peeling and eating a slice of orange, and then feeding Nixon the obese beagle a slice. I don't care what you say Corinn, your dog is fat fat fat.
Aren't these girls just breathtaking? I wish I lived closer to them for Zoey's sake, and for mine. I love to photograph them.

Quizno came out to play for a while, and then we had to put him back in his cage after Liam began to harass him. Poor little guy. He as this one toenail that looks like Nicodemus from 'The Secret of Nihm'. Can you see it in the photo? Its the back left foot.
Another highlight that I have ZERO photos of was a Pullman girls night out. Dinner at Oregano's and RENT. I have never seen the play, but I love the music, and now after seeing it, I can appreciate it, but I highly doubt I will ever see it again...And whoever choreographed that particular production, well, yeah, not your forte... It was fun to spend time with all of them, sans kids...And see the guys who originated the roles of Roger and Matt. Those boys can SING!
Quizno came out to play for a while, and then we had to put him back in his cage after Liam began to harass him. Poor little guy. He as this one toenail that looks like Nicodemus from 'The Secret of Nihm'. Can you see it in the photo? Its the back left foot.
Another highlight that I have ZERO photos of was a Pullman girls night out. Dinner at Oregano's and RENT. I have never seen the play, but I love the music, and now after seeing it, I can appreciate it, but I highly doubt I will ever see it again...And whoever choreographed that particular production, well, yeah, not your forte... It was fun to spend time with all of them, sans kids...And see the guys who originated the roles of Roger and Matt. Those boys can SING!
Chelsey and Seth's engagement photos went swimmingly. Take a look. Seth is a really great guy. Liam took right to him, and that is saying something. Although Zoey asked Chels if she would share her 'prince'. I was trying to tell Zoey about him, and she wasn't grasping the concept of a fiancee, so I said she was Chelsey's prince. Then she flew into hysterics. "I WANT A PRINCE TO MARRY ME IN THE TEMPLE WITH A PRINCESS DRESS!!!" He paid Zoey a lot of attention. He will fit in great.

We went to the Zoo. I think Mom said it best. It was cool and breezy, and over in two hours. Liam looks so cute in his hat!
Liam had his par-tay while we were down there. All he wanted was the balloons. And not the awful, noise making trucks my parents got him. He still sleeps with his Thomas the Trains that The Pullman Family gave him. I love them too. They are SILENT....
Corinn and I were two of the crazies that went to Wal-Mart at midnight to buy TWILIGHT!!! I was honestly shocked at how many people were there!!! The line went from the front of the store, all the way back to the dairy section and then some! What the WHAT?? We stayed up till 3 AM watching Edward Life Size on the projector. He has grown on me. Although Dr. Cullen trumps Edward, and James trumps Dr. Cullen... (I am so stupid) AND DAMON TRUMPS ALL!!!!
GO JOEY GO!!!! RUN!!!! THEN GO EAT SOMETHING!!!! Seriously. My almost 16 year old brother is a foot taller than me and out weights me by like, 12 pounds. Seriously. LOVE YOU JOEY! He also gave me a cello lesson while I was there. He is the best.
If a photo is worth a thousand words, do I need to write anything? ( OK I will. This is Zoey. After every shutter release, she changes position. These are in order, and literally a second apart...)
4 thoughts:
I love the last pics of Zoey. She is so adorable. Love that girl. Also, Edward is growing on me - but I agree with everything you said. It will be interesting to see where Jacob fits in all this mess. I know - how old are we?
I love that you had a good time down in AZ! I'm sad that I didn't get to see you though! That would have been fun!
Sigh, thanks for the memories. We had a wonderful time. I love all the pics, we will make do with these until we see you next time. (By the way, I still have two trucks to give you ;)
Your kids are so cute! I love their big brown eyes.
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