Its has been a long while since I have done and update on the kids.
Zoey is in Kindergarten and loving it. She had her first progress report and she is excelling in all areas except she loves to chit chat during class. I was not surprised. Zoey is a favorite in the class and she gets a class full of "BYE ZOEY!!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!" She is really loving it and she has learned so much already. Her and Liam are entering the 'love/hate' stage of their relationship. They love to play together and can be seen playing monster, or singing a variety of songs. They also hate each other, yelling and screaming if one gets to close, or if one looks at the other a certain way, or is stinky... the reason doesn't matter, its the screaming and yelling that is the bulk of it.
Zoey has had some really good one liners lately too
If you ask a question she will start her answer with ''Well..." Like Max calling from Latvia when we picked him up asked how old Liam was, and she replied "Well, two or one."
We were on the plane and I was doing the crossword in the coloring book the flight attendant gave us, and she looks at me and says, very slowly, "Mom... that's for children..."
Her school has a lot of character development and moral sayings, and the latest is "I will make good choices and I will grow from my mistakes". I made the mistake of saying it wrong. I said 'learn from my mistakes" She corrected me saying "Mom, you said it wrong. Its "I will GROW from my mistakes." Then she looked at me and said, "Mom, I hope you will grow from this mistake."
Damon called her a cutie patootie. She had a full on melt down, ran to me and said "MOM!!! DAD CALLED ME A TOOTIE!!! I AM NOT A TOOTIE! HE NEEDS TO GO TO TIME OUT!!!"
We still have not got her totally convinced that cutie patootie is a good thing.
Liam is a copy cat. Thus all the fighting lately. He will mimic Zoey in any and everything she does. He will say anything, and his language is miles ahead of where Zoey was at the same age. Its so fun to have a baby who preforms. (most of the time) We have made some new friends in the ward and Liam is in love with JD. As soon as they come in, Liam bestows the ultimate honor on JD, giving him Dot to hold.
Now this is cool. I think Liam will be potty trained very soon. He will find me and demand to be changed if he is wet or if he poops, he will take off his shoes, pants and diaper and then not move and scream "i poot!! i poot!" until I find him and take care of it. He got McQueen pull ups and will show you them proudly if you ask.
He loves dot, thomas the train, his mommy, and food. But never at meal times.
They are the best kids in the whole wide world.
(transferring all my photos to one source I have run into some really great old photos of the kids. This one Liam is 3 days old)
1 thoughts:
I love Zoey's quotes. We had so much fun with them that we have really been missing them, so thanks for the great update and photos. I really love the black and white one, it is beautiful.
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