24 hours go by and usually are uneventful. But this is most likely the worst 24 hours I have ever had.
I got a call from the school counselor. About Zoey. She first asked if Zoey was a foster child. I replied, "No?" Then she said Zoey had told both her and her teacher that both Damon and I had slapped her. Also that she had said that I was a mean mommy. She proceeded to explain that Zoey had said that she had a new Mommy and Daddy and Grandma, and that she thought that Daddy was nice, Liam was nice, and Grandma was nice, but Mommy was mean. I explained to her that we had just moved to Houston, that everything was new in Zoey's life, even up to the car we drove. She was not only adjusting from the HUGE move, but also from half day to full day kindergarden. That wasn't good enough explanation, and she said that she was going to interview Zoey tomorrow, and if she said the same things, that she was going to call CPS.
I lost it. Sobbing. She took it as an admission of guilt. She ended the conversation with "Have a nice day!"
Just the mere accusation of slapping my child was so unfounded and false, but now I felt like I was a convicted felon. I have never been so disrespected in my life. And I have never felt so helpless. I know no one here. I have no one to call. The closest relatives we have live 8 hours form away.
Damon was out in San Antonio training a rep. I was alone. I called him, I called my Mom, I called my Mom-in-Law, I called my uncle Scott. All of whom gave wonderful and unique advise. My uncle Scott is a school psychologist, and gave the best advice on how to handle it. Be Aggressive. Damon drove home and we put together a game plan. We were at the school at 8 AM the next morning ready to talk to the teacher, counselor, and the principal. I had on my game face. Or so I thought. The principal was not in for 2 days so we first talked to the assistant principal. I got in there and started to explain the situation. Things were going well until the counselor came in. She came in, repeated what Zoey had told her, and then was silent. Did not tell us the questions she asked Zoey, did not explain why she thought we were abusing her. Just sat there staring at us with her toad like body and beady eyes. I lost it. I was so upset. I reamed her in front of her boss. Letting her know she isn't a thorough counselor, and that I knew she was "just doing her job", but not in the correct manner. Threatening CPS on the phone before meeting me, or calling her old school, or our pediatrician in Colorado to see if there were any complaints. Completely unfounded. She didn't even know Zoey had been at the school for 4 days. We left getting no where, and still facing that jaded troll of a woman questioning our daughter with no supervision. She wouldn't even allow the session to be recorded.
We got home and I fell completely apart. I thought I had done that before, but this was something completely different. I was living my reoccurring nightmare of my children being dragged away from me by some black force and I am paralyzed, can't move, talk, breathe. Totally helpless watching my kids taken. Then my Mom and Damon gave me some tough love and the real game face came out. I needed to be strong for Zoey. I needed to protect my daughter, and the gloves are comin' off. I honestly didn't know I could be that strong. My Mom talked to Scott and he told us to go to the big wigs. The Superintendent and the Head of the Psychology department, and the school psychologist. I was calm. I was precise. I did it. It worked. And they all wanted the name of the counselor (most common response? "Oh yeah, she's new), and apologized up and down for the CPS threat. Dr. Horton (the big wig) told me that there isn't any warrant for a CPS report, and that it should have never been brought up. I talked to her at 2:30 pm. By the time I picked her up at 3:40, Damon got a phone call with a profusely apologetic assistant principal, telling us that they are not investigating the matter further, and the second meeting with Zoey is not necessary.
Its over. I can breathe. Zoey is good. We are working on telling the truth.
Like I said. Worst 24 hours ever.

Welcome to Texas.
8 thoughts:
I will never forget this 24 hours either, Rachael. You recounted it so vividly in all its horrific detail. I'm so proud of you for pulling it together, for Damon's good sense and strength and for Zoey's complete innocence through it all. She will never realize what chaos her tiny little self created.
Now...what the heck are we supposed to learn from all of this?
That was really well written. I can't imagine how horrible that would be. I'm so happy you got it settled so fast. I hope the rest of Texas is a little more welcoming..
love Joey
Wow, that is just horrible. *understatement* I'm imagining that mama bear coming out and getting all riled up over here for you.
My parents were actually investigated years back for this because of how my mentally and physically handicapped sister explained a bruise she had on her arm. CPS and other such programs are extremely necessary in too many cases but in some cases ie yours, my parents overzealous professionals need to back off and realize who they are talking to.
I'm so glad you and Damon were able to take care of it in such a short amount of time. And I hope you have a better end of the week! Sending hugs.
I am so sorry you went through all of this, Rachael. What a nightmare. I hope they keep a closer eye on this counselor.
oh girl....my heart was POUNDING as I read this! I can't imagine the feeling!!! I am SO proud of you standing up for you & D and especially to all the big people in big ol' Texas. The entire school will now know how awesome Zoeys parents are and that if crap hits the fan...they get to clean the walls!
That's an awful thing to go through Rach....I'm so sorry that you guys had to deal with all that! I can't even imagine how that felt...all those emotions. I'm glad everything worked itself out and you guys are doing ok!!
I am just reading this nightmare of a story. Oh my. How terrible. I am glad the situation resolved itself and that you were able to get some justice. What a "troll"
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