ya know that moment where you stop and ask yourself, "how did this happen?" i have had that all week.
this past tuesday i was called to be primary president.
i am so excited, overwhelmed, humbled, flattered, and in way over my head i can't really think straight!
i called my counselors, and they are awesome, amy and amber could both do a better job than me. (that's why i picked 'em)
having a calling like this will make me grow in ways i haven't before, and i am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and help the primary.
i am really grateful to my husband who supports me, and loves me, and lets me cry just 'cause i need to.
i am also grateful to my Heavenly Father, i can't do this with out him.
Feb 28, 2010
i'm sorry, i don't think i heard you correctly
Posted by R A C H A E L on Sunday, February 28, 2010 8 thoughts
Feb 24, 2010
You know I speak whale
Posted by R A C H A E L on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4 thoughts
Labels: Liam, whale whisperer
Feb 18, 2010
Infinite Love
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Love of God," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 22–23

(obligatory photo of one of the kids)
Great way to start out the day.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Thursday, February 18, 2010 3 thoughts
Feb 17, 2010
spreadin' the luv
Valentines Day.
We had friends over.
We decorated cookies.
We ate dinner.
We ate the cookies.
We took no pictures.
We had too much fun.
The End.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 0 thoughts
Feb 5, 2010
let joy be unconfined
Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, February 05, 2010 5 thoughts
Labels: pink ballet shoes
Feb 2, 2010
I watch the bachelor. Faithfully. Jake didn't give Vienna the boot, and I find myself lacking all motivation to do ANYTHING today. Don't want to go to the gym, finish my essay, finish grocery shopping, feed the dog...
I think I might have an unhealthy attachment to the show
Posted by R A C H A E L on Tuesday, February 02, 2010 3 thoughts
Feb 1, 2010
Who I spend my day with
Posted by R A C H A E L on Monday, February 01, 2010 2 thoughts