Feb 1, 2010

Who I spend my day with

With Zoey in all day Kinder, I spend all day every day from 8-4 with this little dude.
(This is how we roll, mac'n'cheese, hair not combed and in need of a hair cut.)
He is my little buddy. All day long I get lots of "I DID IT!!! Hye Five's!" and "I luo luo's" Thanks you Mommy's" and "Mommy, goldfish pleaze!" He comes with me everywhere I go and is always happy to see me. He helps me do laundry, make lunch, and clean up toys. He keeps me company and smiling all day.
He is also quite self sufficient. A few days ago I found him in the pantry eating oreo's. A few days after that I found him standing on the step stool yelling, "OH NO!!! COOKIES ARE LOST!!! HELP ME FIND THEM!!! LETS GO!!! HYE FIVE!"

I can't believe he is almost 3.

2 thoughts:

larainydays said...

You are so lucky to spend the day with that adorable boy. I loved the account of your day.

Tricia Lauritzen said...

I remember having those opportunities with both Courtney and then finally Austin. Treasured memories!!