Apr 13, 2010


I posted my facebook status the other day as this:

Rachael spent the day hunting 'badybugs' with Liam instead of cleaning the house and doing laundry. Totally worth it.

I got a few comments, but this one from a friend in Colorado literally brought tears to my eyes.

"choose to be where you are irreplaceable"

I really struggle with being a stay at home Mom. I constantly worry, for whatever reason, that I am not doing enough. I let the expectations of the world constantly rule my perception of self worth, instead of really remembering why I am doing what I am doing. My kids deserve a stay at home Mom who makes their lunch every day, and who tells them how wonderful they are, and will spend time hunting 'badybugs'. Being a Mom is hard. And I love it. I don't have time to work. I don't want too! I have a job that needs me, and no one else could do it as well as me! I know this because Heavenly Father sent these kids to Me. They are mine and I am theirs.

5 thoughts:

Amy said...

awww, your post brought tears to my eyes. so sweet, I love how you say they are mine and I am theirs. so true!

Bekah: said...

Oh I do love this. It is hard work. I doubt myself all the time too. But I love what your friend said. So wise. I loved reading this post.

larainydays said...

Wow, you know how to make your Mom proud. Watching you be a Mom and love your kids is one of my greatest joys. I never knew how good it would feel.

Erica Huff said...

Absolutely beautiful! Like Amy said - I really like you said, They are mine and I am theirs. By the way, back to another post. You are wonderful at your calling. You all are. I can only imagine how overwhelmed you are but there is a wonderful spirit in primary!

Debbie said...

Beautifully put. Definitely a qouote to remember. Thanks for sharing!