Jan 25, 2011


Arizona for Thanksgiving.

Pictures of beautiful family and friends...

Food babies. We ate a delish Thanksgiving dinner with almost our entire Flake family. (Around 70 people)

We worked it off by playing 'Just Dance 2' for an evening.

...and trampoline aero stunts.

This is my fave- Russian dancing and Max's face is classic.

Zoey met Brylinn for the first time. Boy, has she grown.

And just for fun...

It was a wonderful weekend of being together with the whole Eddington family.

Jan 24, 2011

When I was out and about

I have joined a dinner group. I make dinner on Tuesday for FOUR families. Its a crazy cooking busy busy day. BUT. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday I have a complete dinner delivered to my house around 5 PM. So nice.

While I was out shopping for my dinner this week I spotted these at *Costco, and I had to have them.

This is perfect above the bookcase in the play room.

Zoey's Purplelicious room...

I'm thinking Liam's room or the baby's room if it is a boy...
I'm going to tell Damon that dinner group was just REALLLLYYYY expensive this week.
*also found here.

Jan 15, 2011

What a glorious feelin', I'm singin' in the rain

simplicity at it's finest

Jan 11, 2011

El Presidente


In his first full year as a district manager for Dey, he brought his team up from a brand new territory to NUMBER 2 IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. That's right. He rocked it. We got the news tonight as he FINALLY got his props, and it includes a cash bonus, a fancy trophy, the ultimate gold star for his resume, AND a week long ALL EXPENSE PAID vay cay here:


Can we say Babymoon?

So until further notice, I will be referring to my hunka hunka burnin' love as


Jan 4, 2011

Life on pause

I visited my doctor today. Twelve weeks, two days, couldn't find a heart beat. Thirty minutes later I'm waiting outside the ultra sound room alone praying that this wasn't happening. Not again. Damon and I praying, me in Austin, he in New Jersey.

Finally the moment of truth, and it revealed a healthy little drumming heart, and a squirmy baby to go along with it. All 3.5 inches of it.

I am so grateful. I have been so sick, or so busy with holidays that I didn't really bond with baby. I didn't know how much I loved it till I thought it was gone.

So take a minute to hold and love who you have. Don't take anything for granted. It all can change before you know it.