Jan 24, 2011

When I was out and about

I have joined a dinner group. I make dinner on Tuesday for FOUR families. Its a crazy cooking busy busy day. BUT. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday I have a complete dinner delivered to my house around 5 PM. So nice.

While I was out shopping for my dinner this week I spotted these at *Costco, and I had to have them.

This is perfect above the bookcase in the play room.

Zoey's Purplelicious room...

I'm thinking Liam's room or the baby's room if it is a boy...
I'm going to tell Damon that dinner group was just REALLLLYYYY expensive this week.
*also found here.

3 thoughts:

Bekah: said...

I used to do dinner group in Oregon and it was the most amazing thing of my entire life. I loved every minute of it. It was divine. Im already scoping out prospects in my new ward. I want to hold try outs. LOL. Kidding...kind of.

I love the prints. Costco, really?

R A C H A E L said...

Yes!!! They are by Mary Jack Studios and costco was having one of those 'special event' type things. They are normally like $150+ and costco was selling them for $80-100. 24x30 gallery wrapped prints. Totally awesome.

larainydays said...

I love the prints and I wish I were in your dinner group. I sincerely crave your cooking. Oh wait, I'm gonna get some in 3 1/2 weeks!