Wow! I went outside with only a long sleeve shirt and jeans and was OK for 5 minutes! SCORE! YEAH! Anywho. This week was uneventful, but eventful. The standard routine, Monday was miserable, snowy and windy. We made a birthday cake (again) and sayed indoors. Tuesday was pre-school and grocery shopping. Very thrilling. I actually braved the YMCA with Liam, which I have done only once before. I am such a germ-a-phobe, when we got home I sucked out his nose after a good dosing of saliene solution. Wendesday was gymnastics, which Zoey made it all the way around with the back flip in the harness thing for the first time. She was very proud of herself. Next week she gets to have gymnastics twice! Thursday Dad was home from his buisness trip so mommy was finally sane, Zoey went to preschool and Liam and I had our Mom and me time. I have come to really enjoy playing with Liam and Zoey individually, they love it too, and I find it makes them more pleasant through out the day. I went to cycling on thursday, and the guys joke and call it the massacere of the 24th. It was the most brutal class I had ever been to. Friday was hangin' out again. Cleaned the house, went to the YMCA, which now I regret. Between the cycling class on thursday, lifting legs on friday, and then cycling again this morning, I can not move my legs. I have not been this sore since I don't know when. Anyways. We went to the pet store friday night with the kids and fell in love with a dog. It was a soft coat wheaten terrier. It meets our standards perfectly. Doesn't shed, 30 pounds full grown, and has a really good temperment. If we
could have, I would have taken him home right then. It looks like a big teddy bear. Because of its coat, if looks a lot bigger than it actually is. I love it. And Damon feels like he has a little bit more of a 'man' dog. We were looking at yorkies before. 'non-man' dogs. Whatever. Liam is super fast at crawling, and is so darn cute. He knows how to work it. You'll look at him, and he'll shoot you this little smirk of a smile, it kills me. What a doll. He loved to bounce on his bottom when he gets excited too. Being a Mom is so fun! (except when its not) ;) This weekend is beautiful outside. Almost all the snow is gone. After church we are going to go on a bike ride!
Jan 26, 2008
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1 thoughts:
I LOVE that picture of Liam. Handsome boy.
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