Tomorrow we go to warm weather. Its funny that we go from playing in the snow all day to 75 degrees. GO ARIZONA!
Feb 23, 2008
Tomorrow we go to warm weather. Its funny that we go from playing in the snow all day to 75 degrees. GO ARIZONA!
Posted by R A C H A E L on Saturday, February 23, 2008 3 thoughts
Feb 22, 2008
Yesterday was a AMAZING Day.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, February 22, 2008 2 thoughts
Feb 21, 2008
Our Bottomless Pit
Posted by R A C H A E L on Thursday, February 21, 2008 3 thoughts
Feb 19, 2008
The Weekend
What a busy one. Our house is finally closing. After what I think is the worlds longest contract, thursday is D-day. It has been under contract for 5 1/2 months. Buyers got their funding, title company is good to go, we close Thursday. So this weekend was moving everything else out, and cleaning, and we are done! Nothing stands in our way now. I am so thankful that everything is finally coming to pass. We had lots of help from friends, which was wonderful.
Zoey made me so sad on Monday. I went over there to check it out, and I took Zoey. She went into her pink polkadot room and would not leave. It broke my heart. She cried for 20 minutes about her 'dot room'. That was the only time I cried in this whole process. Now that its really happening, I can't help but feel sad. Zoey's room was so cute, and Liam's nursery. We brought him home to that house. I desgined that house. Picked out everything from the cieling to the floor, and everything in between. It is a beautiful home. I hope people buying it love it as much as I did.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1 thoughts
Feb 15, 2008
Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, February 15, 2008 1 thoughts
Zoey's New Hair
Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, February 15, 2008 2 thoughts
Feb 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!
So Liam is a baby genius. What 10 month old baby can firgure out how to open LATCHED CABINETS!? Mine. Yeah, he emptied out all of Zoey's leap-pad stuff three times today. He gets into everything. And I mean EVERYTHING!! So frusterating.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Thursday, February 14, 2008 0 thoughts
Feb 12, 2008
Princess Zoey
We made Valentines today. She cut out all the hearts, and colored each of them. She had a blast, and made a huge mess.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 1 thoughts
Feb 10, 2008
My Culinary Success
Tonight was, in my opinion, the best dinner I have ever made. If any of you have been to Carrabbas, there is this chicken dish that I love. Its the chicken bryan. Anyways, I got to thinking about it the other day, and thought, 'ya know, I could totally make that.' And I did. It was even better than the restaraunt. Its pretty basic, grilled chicken, with goat cheese, and a lemon butter sauce with fresh basil and sun dried tomato. It was soo good. Go me. I should have photo-documented my triumph, maybe next time.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Sunday, February 10, 2008 2 thoughts
Feb 5, 2008
Our little Sassy Girl
Posted by R A C H A E L on Tuesday, February 05, 2008 2 thoughts
Feb 4, 2008
Zoey's First Primary Talk
Zoey gave her first primary talk on how the Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of Jesus Christ. I'll post the words, you can understand most of it, but it helps to know what she is saying. She did such a good job. I am so proud of her. She got up there and spoke clearly and wasn't shy at all. She is so big!
The bible testifies of Jesus Christ
It testifies of his birth
It testifies of Jesus’ baptism
It testifies of Jesus healing the sick
It testifies of his crucifixion
And of his resurrection
The Book of Mormon also testifies of Jesus
He appeared to the Nephites
And taught them to pray
And blessed the little children
I know that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are true and testify of Jesus. Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Monday, February 04, 2008 2 thoughts
Feb 2, 2008
Feb 1, 2008
Zoey and Liam update

Liam got another tooth yesterday. Its
Damon and I are great. Just the same old routine. I lost 3 pounds this week, (thank you biking) and actually made it to the gym twice this week. I am aiming for 5 workouts this week between biking and the gym. I have to make it tomarrow, and I'll hit my goal.
We are really looking forward to Mesa in 3 weeks. I want to feel the warmth of the sun, and not just through a window. Until next post, thank you , and goodnight.
Posted by R A C H A E L on Friday, February 01, 2008 0 thoughts