Feb 5, 2008

Our little Sassy Girl

So Zoey is quickly becoming a little spit fire. Today Damon came home from a buisness trip early to surprise us, and Zoey was in her room coloring. Damon came in and asked for a hug. Zoey looked up and sighed very sarcastically, raised her arm slowly, dropped her crayon, and gave him the most pittiful hug you have ever seen. It was as if she was in the middle of the most important thing in the world, and just couldn't stop to say hi.

Zoey left her box of art stuff on the floor. Liam somehow opened it and dumped out everything. Zoey saw it, threw down her paintbrush, and said, "Oh.. my.. gosh... Liam, look what you did!!"

Also, Zoey is perpetually nude. The first thing she did when she got home from pre-school was take of her crocs, coat, then her shirt, then her pants. When she was done she looked at her panties, and said, "Look! Tinkenbell!" and walked away. As she was walking down the hall she yelled, "I'm naked!!!" Her personality is in full bloom.

2 thoughts:

jenn and flay said...

Zoey is so awesome. Why do all kids want to be naked?

Hans and Michelle said...

Zoey sassy? What?! You mean like only eating the yellow swirls out of the yogurt container and refusing the pink:)