We have graduated to having to purchase 2 kids meals now. After our experience at chick-fil-a, we now realize how much Liam can eat. He has now coined the nickname, "The bottomless pit". Let me tell you the story...
Zoey was insistant that she wanted a 'krabby patty', so I got her a chicken sandwich, hoping to convince her that it was indeed a krabby patty. Just in case, I also ordered a nuggets kids meal. Zoey ended up eating like 1/4 of the sandwich, and dowing the whole container of choclate milk. So I decided to see if Liam would eat the nuggets. Oh boy, the light went on and it didn't go off. He ate the entire kids meal. He is 10 1/2 months. Since then I have really been noticing how much
he eats. Tuesday night we made pizza. Zoey ate 1/2 of a piece, Liam ate 2 pieces. For lunch today he ate 4 nuggets, a whole carton of yogurt, and is polishing it of with juice and cheerios. He also ate a bowl of oatmeal 2 1/2 hour ago. He's a growing boy, and is Father could not be prouder. "Thats my boy!"
3 thoughts:
Wow that is a LOT of food! He will be growing fast, that's for sure! Can't wait to see you guys...
Just wait. Andrew ate 9, count them, 9 chicken nuggets yesterday. Gross. Liam is just bidding his time so that he can keep up at the park this summer. All those walking babies, Yikes!
I am so glad the costco is open. With the way he eats, I won't be able to shop anywhere else!
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