Aug 15, 2008

A little bit of hope

I have been literally driving myself crazy with the prospects of what could happen to us in the next couple of months. Damon's company is in the process of being acquired by another company, which means a whole lot of uncertainty for us. From the rumor mills, it has been 'good news', but until they say who is buying us, and if we have a job or a severance package, I am so nervous. We find out what happens at the end of August. We think... Our lease is up in September, and we need to move into a home with a yard. We don't know if 1. Damon will have a job in 2 months. 2. How much longer we are going to be in the Springs. Which also means that we don't know where we will be living in 2 months. Which makes looking for a home virtually pointless. My little bit of hope is that Damon hit his two year mark with DEY L.P. yesterday. And on the same day he got a call from a head hunter for a specialty pharma company about a position in the area. It was one of those 'tender mercies' moments for me. My little answer to prayer that the Lord had not forgotten me, and had, in fact, heard my truly pathetic, frequent prayers when I was on the verge of a total melt down. I don't know how it will work out, or if he will even get an interview, but I know that the simple possibility gave me the little bit hope that I needed. I also realize that I need to have more faith that we will be taken care of. I can't plan everything to a 'T'. It is amazing how He can show you your weaknesses and teach you something all at the same time. Thank goodness for hope.

6 thoughts:

Robin said...

Hey, maybe all that worrying will make you loose your appetite and then you will stop eating and then you will loose lots of weight (not that you need to) and then you will be a supermodel. The super skinny ones make lots of money and then Damon won't have to work.

That's what I would do if Roland lost his job.

BUT - Damon hasn't lost his job and probably won't loose his job. He will be fine and you can go on buying those super cute shoes. Now go have a sandwich.

Rachel said...

We all have those moments where we feel helpless, but I am grateful that we know what we know and have the faith to sustain us. No matter what happens all will work out. I guess it is the not knowing that is really hard. Chocolate helps, and I'm always willing to "sacrifice" myself so you don't have to eat it alone.

Anonymous said...

my dear rachael - since day one it's been crazy how much we've had in common. i love you dearly and sadly feel your pain. the uncertainty is a killer, the unknown is not good for those of us that like to plan things out - sometimes my prayers seem like they hit the wall and bounce back in, like Heavenly Father never heard me. He does. He actually hears us every time. I don't have a magic answer, especially right now but know that you have a great husband and two kids that love you and think you are a fabulous mom! You are a true friend to so many of us and I've come to realize that no matter the size of my house, the land that it sits on, the car I drive or the question if I got to shave my legs that day - we make it. We all do - and guess what ? it's ok to cry...a lot. one thing i love is honesty, especially with ourselves. ok - blah blah - day at a time and we will still all be here for you!

Lisa said...

Happy birthday Rachel!! Your blog looks awesome by the way!

Berly said...

All will be fine and you know things work out for the best. For now - it is your BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! YEA!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. YOU KNOW I LOVE YA TONS!!

Unknown said...

i was searching the web for some information about the sale of dey, and stumbled across yor blog. God really used your entries to remind me that He is in control and we are not alone. My husband also works for Dey, though at the home office here in Napa. We are waiting on buying a home, anxious about his future employment, wondering where our daughter will attend kindergarten next year and vacilating back and forth between trusting the Lord and worrying. thanks for your honesty. and, hopefully, we'll hear something soon!