To everyone who has read the twilight series... I am begging you, DO NOT READ THE LAST BOOK, BREAKING DAWN. I found myself thinking, 'Seriously?' and 'Yeah right' and 'How long did she spend writing this, 5 minutes?' and 'A half vampire, half human baby...rrriiiggghhhttt...'. The book tainted the whole series (or as she puts it 'Saga'). Ending on a bad note. Never a good thing. My advice to Stephanie Meyer, take your time and write something worthwhile. No character development, everything felt at a standstill even tough the 'story' moved forward, and if I hear one more freakin' time how 'beauitful' or 'perfect', or 'amazing' Edward is, I'm gonna scream. It should have ended with book three. I feel jilted for buying the book. Like she is milking her cash cow a little too much, and gave us skim milk.
6 thoughts:
Ok - I just wanted to thank you for the spoiler alert.
I DIDN'T read your post. But can I borrow your book and then I will read it real fast and then I will read your post and have a decent comment.
I agree. I was disappointed too. I mean what kind of a name is "Renesme", and Jacob imprinting on an infant (really!!). Not to mention I got really sick of him calling her "love" all the time. She should've called us up for some advice before she wrote that one.
Yah, I totally hear what you are saying, but I got sucked in. How apropos, right "sucked" in, get it? LOL I guess I could forgive S.M. for some of the things she did because I wanted to like it so badly. Good thing she didn't have Leah imprint on Nahuel (the half vamp/human guy) That would have been really crossing the line for me.
Now, I'm moving on to The Host. So far so good.
ok, Rachel, so, I have to comment here, because I am not sure I agree with you...Although, I think she obviously went over the top on some things, it still worked for me overall. But then again, I am looking at it more as a whole story from Twilight through breaking dawn, and for me, it makes sense that Stephenie Meyer would feel it was not complete until her characters had everything, family included, in their "eternal bliss." It was certainly not my favorite of the series, but not a disappointment for me either. Anyway, I think we need to go do something sometime. Give me a call...
HAHAHAHA.... I just started reading your post to Colette and she just started yelling, "shut up...shut up... shut up!" Aparently she wants to read the book very badly and doesn't want me to ruin it for her. Rach... I just have to say that even though I haven't even met your little girl she has got to be one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen! Some day she will get to meet her adopted uncle.
ROTFL Robin! Ü
awww.. i am sad you didn't enjoy it. I LOVED it! It was my second fav next to Twilight. I'll agree that there were some 'annoyances' in it... but overall i liked it and didn't want the series to end... Ü
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