Oct 2, 2008

The Hill From Hell

I went riding today. The first time since we've moved. 11 days. I was a little nervous about the new area and more traffic so I bought one of those mirror things that helps you see whats coming behind you, and drove around last night trying to figure out a route. I set off this morning looking fierce in my new tights and long sleeved jersey, hoping that would compensate for the nerd-factor of my "take a look" mirror thing. Off I go. All fine and dandy until I get to Tutt and South Carefree and begin the hill from hell. Literally wanted to die. Took it all the way up to Dublin. Thank goodness for the ever so brief downhill between Barns and Stetson Hills, but other than that. Up up up up. I got home and Damon says, "Wow, you got beat up." Thanks, I know. Slow goin' but I finished. (When I say slow goin', I usually average about 15-16 miles per hour, this one, 13.2. Ouch) I did it, and I am going to do it again on Saturday, or the AFA. I am sad that my legs won't move enough to go to Liz's dance class, but it is what it is... Now I have to hobble down the stairs and take care of my children.

(This is my bike. Isn't she a beauty?)

7 thoughts:

Diana said...

I know that hill! I used to live at North Carefree and Tutt. I've run up Tutt to Stetson Hills Before. It's not that fun! You did it--that's all that matters!

Robin said...

You are one tough chic.

Liz said...

Good for you, Rachael! Those kinds of things are tough, I hate them. I went running with Michelle on Saturday for about 5 miles, and we did smallish hills, and I was dying. But, anyway, you were sorely missed today, but I understand. Please, come next week! I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!!! I bet you look HOT in your new tights! Let us know how you do on the next one :)

Tamzen Fleming said...

I'm sure it will be easier next time! You rock!

larainydays said...

I hope your jello legs feel better soon. Way to live strong Rachael.

Hans and Michelle said...

How come it takes at least a month to get "biking legs" and then 1 week to lose it?! Maybe the hill won't seem as bad once you start riding more? Then again maybe not. That hill in the AFA gets me every time. I agree with Liz. Come to the dance class! Then I get to see you. And to playgroup. Talk to you soon...