Oct 22, 2008

Sticky and Sweet?

So I know I just posted, but I was cruising Facebook, and I saw this add for Madonna's latest tour. It kinda grossed me out. She is 50. So is my amazing Mom. Which one would you rather be friends with?
I think there is something to be said for aging gracefully, (or just acting your age.) and in my Mom's case, being a total babe at 50. Then we have the 'I think I'm still in my 20's 50 year old'. Does anyone else think this is a little wierd. I love Madonna's music, but come on. You are 50, time to grow up a little.

If at 50 I am refering to myself as 'Sticky and Sweet' on my facebook profile, I am counting on all of you, as my friends, to shoot me. That is just wrong. I hope I am as amazing as my Mom. Stylish, Smart as all get out, and one of the best people out there.

5 thoughts:

Robin said...

Hey - don't be so quick to judge. Maybe Madonna's tour is really a cooking show! maybe she is baking cinnamon rolls, making fudge, taffy, and popcorn balls!

Sticky AND Sweet - sounds like rice crispies to me! Oh, and I'd much rather hang with your mom.

(maybe they should rename the tour "Sickly and Weak")

R A C H A E L said...


I'm not judging Madonna. I am just saying I had to search for 5 minutes to find this add where they didn't have to photoshop out a certain part of her "northern Mountains". I think its wierd that she is refering to her nether regions as "sticky and sweet". Maybe I should have posted the main add. There is no mistaking what she is talking about...

I wish it was a cooking show, I might actually want to go. I haven't been to a concert in a while...

Bekah: said...


well said. i could not agree more.

your mom is such a great person.

larainydays said...

Wow! You made my day Rachael. I'm going to have to think up something nice to do for you! Love ya, Mom

Brooke said...

Your mom is WAY cuter than Madonna! She has to work out hours each day to get those veiny man arms and your mom is so cute just naturally!!