Jan 3, 2009


This is my mantra for 2009.

The undertaking of a new action brings new strength.

I am not setting any 'resolutions' this year. Instead, I have decided to take action. I must admit, its empowering, and slightly intoxicating. After all, what good are resolutions without actions?

So here's to 2009, the year of ACTION.

4 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

good for you girl! you are always good at what you set your mind to, that is one of the things I love about you!

Jen and Kent said...

good for you Rach...i like that...alot!

Anonymous said...

they are up!

Berly said...

I am with you on that - I want to read more books this year, so I am taking actions - like investing in a bookshelf bc if the books are out instead of hidden maybe I will read them - i hope!