Jan 14, 2009

Photography Dilemma...

I am having a logo, business cards, and a web site designed. My problem is : Should I keep my buisness name 'rachael's photography'? Or should I change it...

Here are the options

a) Rachael's Photography
b) Rachael Pullman Photography
c) Bellafine Photography
d) Through the Looking Glass (this is my favorite...so far.)

Any comments, suggestions, or ideas would be GREATLY appreciated...

10 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

i like a & d but the logo has to be something you love- then you'll know! either way we all love your work!

Valeri said...

Through the looking glass for sure. It's clever and different from all the other "_____'s photography" sites out there.

Robin said...


You can totally ignore my opinion. I am just an old-not-hip-stuck-in-the-80's kind of gal and as you can tell by my blog, I ain't no photographer. I think the "looking glass" name sounds like: "bought a fancy camera, read online tips for taking pictures, got some good pictures at our family reunion, maybe I can make some extra cash on the side!" kind of girl. I would expect your "studio" to have lots of lace and a half dozen cats.


That is not you. You are the real deal. When I hire you, I want YOU. Your talent and expertise. So I vote for your name. People will proudly say, "It's a Rachael Pullman".

Now, if you disregard my advice (hey, you asked) I will still want your "looking glass" pictures. But I am allergic to cats.

Diana said...

honestly, i'm with Robin. I think there's something to be said for labeling your photography as YOURS. After all, it's amazing.

Sam and Melissa said...

I like Rachael Pullman too. That way your name gets passed around easier. By the way, I loved your last post about Zoe being the angel. So sweet.

larainydays said...

I like your name in your title because your name is very dear to me and it conjures up your beautiful self!!! Sincerely, your mother

Colette said...

one vote for Rachael Pullman Photography.

Anonymous said...

i've always kept my name just because it was easier. there is pro's and con's to both i think. but kate lines is a pretty easy, short name (clients have asked me if it is my "stage name" ha) i totally know the name i would use if i didn't do my name! there is days i wish i used it. (i figure i can use if for desinging clothes or decorating houses instead... ha.ha.ha) i love d though! but i agree with the others. rachael pullman it is!

Anonymous said...

in the end... your work is still lovely.

Berly said...

Rach- Stick with your name. I like Rachael Pullman Photography. Be proud of what you do because it is AWESOME!!!