Feb 25, 2009

Confessions of a Semi-Single Mother

Lately Damon has been traveling more than usual. For the past two weeks, he has been gone more than he has been home. My days are pretty much the same, but after the kids go to bed is when I get really bored. As I reflect on what I have done while he is away, I start to worry myself...

EX- One of the nights last week, can't remember which, they all start to run together after a while...

Made a half batch (18 cookies) of the best PB cookies ever, ate them all while watching the long version (the one with Colin Firth) of Pride and Prejudice. That was over at 1 AM. Then I hooked my bike up to a trainer and rode for an hour. Then I went to bed. Then next day I ate only veggies, fruit and steak...

Then next night I watched all of the 30 rock episodes on my DVR, then watched and became obsessed with the 'Toddlers and Tiaras' show on TLC. (watch it if you want to feel REALLY good about your parenting ) Went to bed a 1:30.

This week, I have come to curse the Girls Scout name. DAMN YOU SAMOAS!! (as I type this, guess what I am eating...)

Monday night, put the kids to bed, made cinnamon rolls from scratch, ate two, decided that they were mediocre at best...sniff. I usually rock cinnamon rolls. Decided they needed more butter in the filling. Got a great tip from Jen about using a tiny drizzle of Karo syrup to make them sticky...will try later... Watched Emma (so good. I love Gweneth Paltrow), an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras, while eating an entire box of Samoas. and went to bed. Considered it a triumph that I was asleep at 2 AM. Tuesday I went to the gym twice.

Tuesday, cinnamon rolls part deux. TOTALLY AMAZING. Karo syrup made them irresistible! Ate too many, I didn't count. Watched Sense and Sensibility from masterpiece classic and now want to name a son Colonel Brandon. OK-maybe just Brandon... I let the emotional Rachael come out to play when D is gone, and sit there with my box of tissue, a Cinnamon roll, Compare D to the Colonel and decide D is better (if that is even possible, but he is!), and plot out what I would do to Willoughby if I was in the story. How I love Jane Austen.

Both kids have a cough today. They went to bed too early. I rode my bike, and I am killing time. Facebook, blog surfing, sorting though photos for my Mom, waiting till there is enough time on my DVR so I don't have to watch commercials during Americas Next Top Model re-runs. I feel sick from all the crap I've eaten, went with peppermint tea. Feeling like scrambled eggs. With roasted peppers and goat cheese...

I shouldn't be left to myself...

Feb 10, 2009

These Boots aren't made for Dancin'

Yesterday, as I was helping Zoey get dressed, we had the following conversation.

Mom: Zoey, put you boots on today, it's cold outside.
Zoey: (as she puts them on) but...but...but...but...

M: But What Zoey?

Z: I can't dance in boots!

M: Honey, you are going to pre-school, not dance.

Z: But Mom, I dance at pre-school, like, EVERY DAY! I CAN'T WEAR BOOTS! I CAN'T

M: What about your Mary Janes, can you dance in those?

Z: I don't know, let me try.
Zoey takes of the boots, and puts on the mary janes. Starts Dancing.

Z: Yep. These are good dancin' shoes. Not like the big boots. I can't dance in boots....

Its so sad. The boots are soooo cute.

Liam also went on a rescue mission to deliver the beloved Polka Dot from the Daemon Dryer. Then he got stuck and sounded like a peacock, "Heeelp. Heeelp."

This is my new hair color. Per Bekah's request...

Feb 4, 2009

2009- a la Pullman

First and Foremost. CHELSEY IS ENGAGED!!! My uberfabulous sister in law is getting married! She called tonight and I screamed so loud I think both of our ears are still ringing! BAAAA! I get to be a bridesmaid, and photographer. I am brainstorming already for different ideas. SO excited! Congratulations!!!!

This is Chelsey. She's a total babe. And the best aunt ever. And can sing so well it makes you cry. AND her hair grows out of her head that color. Yeah. I know. Total package. Sorry boys, she's taken...

We got a puppy. Percy the Pug, and he is just as cool as the name sounds. Hopefully Zoey does not change his name again. So far he has been Noche, Percy, Quincy, and back to Percy. She is in love with Percy. He is her little playmate, and follows her everywhere. I love love love having a puppy.

The kids have been up to some funny things lately. Zoey loves to be told how awesome she is. She will frequently remind me of her awesomeness. Its usually something like, "Mom, I'm so awesome." Or "Mom, can you believe how awesome I am at coloring?" She also went to the Dentist for the first time, and did great. She was a little wary of the x-ray, but after I told her it was a friend of wall-e she seemed to be ok with it. She is doing great at pre-school and loves to sing the alphabet REALLY loud. I should record her singing it, she doesn't sing it right but she makes me laugh every time so I don't want to correct her... Zoey is really into the wii and computer games, and will give me a back rub until I get off the computer so she can play. She also still has some funny words in her vocab: Chik-fil-a: Chickalay, Computer: Pewter, Cinderella: Cinalella, she says wall-e like he does in the movie. It's so cute.
This frame is so amazing to me. I love it. I am sure I will love it more after I edit it, but I had to share.

Zoey is ever the Drama Queen. Her latest in that depo is when I tell her no, she will run to her room and say "You're ruining my LIFE!" and then slam the door. She is 4. We are so in for it.

In Primary, I was asked to fill out a little spotlight for Zoey. It asked her what color her eyes are. She said, "Chocolate". She is so right. Dark Chocolate.
Liam's personlaity is in full bloom, and he is a bit of a control freak. Example: When he goes to bed, he likes to read books. We leave the closet light on for him. When he is ready for bed, he throws out all the books, reaches to the switch, and turns it off. He does this almost every night. In the morning, He wakes up and likes to be left in bed for a half hour or so until he calls for help. Then we are allowed to get him. He puts polka dot on my shoulder, snuggles in, and we go downstairs. He is put on the couch, handed a bag of pretzels, and sippie cup and watches the Imagination Movers or Handy Manny. After about 15 minutes, he is ready for breakfast. Then he has to have his shoes on, and no one is allowed to move polka dot with out his permission. He has major separation anxiety, which I am bound and determined to break him of. We are going to the Y every day until he gets used to it. I can barely function. He screams if anyone looks at him at the grocery store. Not fun. He does love to play duck duck goose. You know your the goose if he pats your head, says 'Duck', and runs away screaming. Family Home Evening is entertaining and exhausting at the same time.
This is what happens when you leave Liam to his own devices. After all, a sub woofer is not complete without pretzels.
Damon and the work front: We have decided to stay with DEY, and pursue corporate and management opportunities. If we go corporate, we will be in New Jersey. Jenn is already telling me what a hole Jersey is, but what am I going to do? I am really excited about the prospect, to be totally honest. I have never lived back east, so I would be able to see a lot of places I haven't. (Boston, D.C., Phily, ect) If we go management, anywhere in the U.S. Lots of fun times ahead.

I am me. Photographing everything, loving my new lens, realizing that I will never be over my dairy allergy, watching over the kids, watching over the puppy, cleaning, doing laundry, attending the occasional (really occasional lately) bike class, hitting the gym, watching The Office and 30 Rock. Watching the Cards loose in the best Superbowl in a while. Same stuff. Same me. OOooo!! I did color my hair. Well, not me , but Kristen colored my hair back to my roots. Only slightly more auburn than my natural color...which is not pretty... trust me. I love it, and I like that my eyebrows match my hair for the first time in 2 years. I was blond for that long. That was the longest I have ever been one hair color. Impressive. Damon LOVES it. I think he is just excited about not having to pay 150 bucks every 8 weeks...

When I have another adrenaline rush I will post out AZ Christmas trip. SO behind... Maybe Breaelle will call and tell me she's pregnant...

Feb 1, 2009

Why every woman should watch the Superbowl

You may dread the Super Bowl. Six hours of your Sunday every year with your husband glued to the TV. There is nothing to distract him. The first superbowl of our married life I walked around the house naked for a half hour before he noticed. I was hurt. Then I decided to get on the band wagon. Enjoy it. After all, you get to watch this guy parade around in tight white pants.
What's not to like?