Yesterday, as I was helping Zoey get dressed, we had the following conversation.
Its so sad. The boots are soooo cute.

This is my new hair color. Per Bekah's request...
Mom: Zoey, put you boots on today, it's cold outside.
Zoey: (as she puts them on) but...but...but...but...
M: But What Zoey?
Z: I can't dance in boots!
M: Honey, you are going to pre-school, not dance.
Z: But Mom, I dance at pre-school, like, EVERY DAY! I CAN'T WEAR BOOTS! I CAN'T
M: What about your Mary Janes, can you dance in those?
Z: I don't know, let me try.
Zoey takes of the boots, and puts on the mary janes. Starts Dancing.
Z: Yep. These are good dancin' shoes. Not like the big boots. I can't dance in boots....

Liam also went on a rescue mission to deliver the beloved Polka Dot from the Daemon Dryer. Then he got stuck and sounded like a peacock, "Heeelp. Heeelp."

This is my new hair color. Per Bekah's request...
9 thoughts:
I like your hair too. Those boots were made fer walkin'.
Your hair is so cute! I love it!
Beautiful hair on my beautiful girl. I also like the enigmatic smile.
Your hair is so CUTE! I love it!
You have such funny, cute kids! You're hair looks awesome!
I LOVE your hair! It suits you well.
Where have you been? I miss your posts!
I'm crackin up. Somehow we always manage to do the same hair. Mine is a little darker but same idea. Now if I could just be as cute and skinny as you I would feel complete!!
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