Feb 25, 2009

Confessions of a Semi-Single Mother

Lately Damon has been traveling more than usual. For the past two weeks, he has been gone more than he has been home. My days are pretty much the same, but after the kids go to bed is when I get really bored. As I reflect on what I have done while he is away, I start to worry myself...

EX- One of the nights last week, can't remember which, they all start to run together after a while...

Made a half batch (18 cookies) of the best PB cookies ever, ate them all while watching the long version (the one with Colin Firth) of Pride and Prejudice. That was over at 1 AM. Then I hooked my bike up to a trainer and rode for an hour. Then I went to bed. Then next day I ate only veggies, fruit and steak...

Then next night I watched all of the 30 rock episodes on my DVR, then watched and became obsessed with the 'Toddlers and Tiaras' show on TLC. (watch it if you want to feel REALLY good about your parenting ) Went to bed a 1:30.

This week, I have come to curse the Girls Scout name. DAMN YOU SAMOAS!! (as I type this, guess what I am eating...)

Monday night, put the kids to bed, made cinnamon rolls from scratch, ate two, decided that they were mediocre at best...sniff. I usually rock cinnamon rolls. Decided they needed more butter in the filling. Got a great tip from Jen about using a tiny drizzle of Karo syrup to make them sticky...will try later... Watched Emma (so good. I love Gweneth Paltrow), an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras, while eating an entire box of Samoas. and went to bed. Considered it a triumph that I was asleep at 2 AM. Tuesday I went to the gym twice.

Tuesday, cinnamon rolls part deux. TOTALLY AMAZING. Karo syrup made them irresistible! Ate too many, I didn't count. Watched Sense and Sensibility from masterpiece classic and now want to name a son Colonel Brandon. OK-maybe just Brandon... I let the emotional Rachael come out to play when D is gone, and sit there with my box of tissue, a Cinnamon roll, Compare D to the Colonel and decide D is better (if that is even possible, but he is!), and plot out what I would do to Willoughby if I was in the story. How I love Jane Austen.

Both kids have a cough today. They went to bed too early. I rode my bike, and I am killing time. Facebook, blog surfing, sorting though photos for my Mom, waiting till there is enough time on my DVR so I don't have to watch commercials during Americas Next Top Model re-runs. I feel sick from all the crap I've eaten, went with peppermint tea. Feeling like scrambled eggs. With roasted peppers and goat cheese...

I shouldn't be left to myself...

9 thoughts:

Robin said...

Tonight you should come to book club and bring all those cookies and cinnamon rolls. Then go home and post the recipe for the peanut butter cookies and tell us how to use the Karo syrup with our rolls.

Tamzen Fleming said...

You are too funny and so lucky to be thin!:)

Anonymous said...

how cute are you!?! I'm sorry he's been gone so much - come play.. Amber will be well enough in a few days. It was a relief knowing another great mom does the same things as the rest of us sometimes!

Chelsi Chipps said...

You are so cute Rachael! I just love reading your blog! haha. Trevor is trying to convince me to move to Colorado, so if he wins, you might have someone else that can keep you company while Damon is gone! :)

Chelsi Chipps said...

Ps. not that you need any other temptations in the sweets department, but Dryer's Ice Cream has an ice cream flavor that is made with Samoas!!! Just so you know. ;)

Lisa said...

Okay, first of all, I would love to get in on the Willoughby bashing. Oh how that would make me feel wonderful. Second, I'm starting a Future Diabetics of America club. I think you ought to join.... And maybe run the thing. What do you say?!

larainydays said...

I am so hungry after reading your blog I'm going to eat another lemon poppyseed scone (made with a lemon stolen from the neighbors tree bow that oh so kindly drapes into our yard saving me from climbing on a barrel and almost killing myself while stealing). I'll make you some of these when you come in March! Love, Mom

P.S. Don't watch ALL the Jane Austens - as Augustus Gloop's Mom says, "Save some room for later." Go watch something with explosions in it.

Liz said...

Speaking of Samoas, Adam ordered 6 boxes alone of them. Not to mention several other types. I have eaten most of them and he daily informs me they are his. I guess I missed that point when he placed the order.

Sam and Melissa said...

Our girl scout's don't sell cookies for 2 weeks but I was craving Samoas so bad that I found an online recipe for them.... I'll have to e-mail it to you :) I follow just about the same eating schedule you do, don't feel bad. Only I throw oreos in the routine as well. Can you give me your PB cookie recipe? I need a good one!