We are on the plane. To RUSSIA!! I honestly can say that I didn't think this trip would happen, but here we are! I find myself totally excited, tired, saying many silent prayers for my little ones, and relishing in the fact that I have 10 days with my husband with out children. I don't know what to do with myself.
Damon is quite in his element. The flight is almost full and there are Russians everywhere and its like watching a little boy in a candy shop, speaking Russian every chance he gets. In fact, he totally ignored me the first 45 minutes of the plane trip talking to the absolutely gorgeous Russian woman sitting next to him. I pretended I wasn't bugged. It didn't work.
I have never been on a plane this big. I think we have 10 hours left. We met Mom and Dad in Atlanta, and now they are right across from us. Dad and I laughed out loud at the safety video Delta shows. The woman has had EVERYTHING worked on and way too much collagen in the lips. However, the best part is the chubby, middle-aged, balding guy who shows you how to inflate the life vest, complete with the orbit *ding* and a smile. We laughed out loud. We are so the obnoxious Americans.
I miss my babies a lot.
August 16th, 2009-Somewhere over Scandinavia
I really don't like long plane trips. We will land in Moscow in about two hours. I will have slept a total of 5 hours in 18, and it will be 11 AM in Moscow when we land. I think we will have to go almost 28 hours before we can sleep. I really don't like long plane trips.
Damon looks really cute when he sleeps.
August 16th, 2 pm?
We made it to Moscow, almost died 9 times in the taxi on the way to Kent's home. I am cleaned, scrubbed, brushed teeth, and fresh make-up. Ahhh, so much better. We are meeting Damon's friend Andre in Kent's private car with a driver in an hour. Yes. That's right. We have a driver. Hooray for Chevron Execs!!
Before we go I had to write about
RUSSIAN YOGURT(silly giggle)
Ya know that baby yogurt that is made with whole milk? Take that, multiply that by a thousand, and add some heavy whipping cream, and then you have a glimpse into the delicious world of Russian Yogurt. They even have chocolate varieties. It is unbelievably amazingly, ridiculously good. We are going to have to buy more to replace Kent's supply.
We went to Ismailovski Park. It is an outdoor market where the best souvenirs are sold. Everything from hand painted pottery, lacquer boxes, matroshka dolls, antiques, and food. Namely Plov. Delish. Its this beef fried rice thing with veggies, and even my Dad liked it. I am craving it again. I did buy a beautiful 14 piece blue and white matroshka doll. The smallest doll is about the size of a grain of rice. Pavel, our driver took us and Andre helped us haggle/laugh/have a great time. He is head of public affairs for the Church in Russia. Pretty cool. I took some photos and Mom and Dad left empty handed?
After the market, we went to Christ our Savior church. It is a colossal white marble church with gold minarets. It was built in 2000, so it is really new and really breathtaking. You could see the Kremlin from the bridge leading to it.
I am so tired. I love Zoey and Liam and miss them more than I can say.
Christ our Savior Church
D on the bridge. Doesn't he look great.
View from the bridge. That whole thing is the Kremlin.
August 17th, 2009
Today I am celebrating my 26th Birthday. In Moscow. Boo-ya.
I have to say that this trip has been a huge series of blessings. We are able to afford it, for one. My parents are here. I get to spend a lot of time with my Dad and he CAN'T go in to work. Annie and Ashley were able to watch the kids, who are doing great. Kent has a US phone line, so we are able to call the kids anytime, with no cost. We have a driver, which we didn't expect. We have been so blessed, and we get to see Max in 3 days.
Today we are going to Red square, the Tsaritsyno, Moscow University, and Arbat Street. We are meeting Kent at a Gorgian Restaurant to celebrate my Birthday.
August 17th, 2009. 11 PM
We started at the
Tsaritsyno. There are no words. I mean, really. Whoever coined the phrase "
Everything is bigger in Texas" CLEARLY has never been to Russia. IT IS HUGE. This is the main house, but there were 8 other
separate buildings to go along with this modest summer palace. We took a stroll through "The Royal Woods". I could have stayed there all day.

Did I tell you or did I tell you. This is a little distorted, I had to merge two frames together. My 17mm Wide Angle lens still needed 2 full frames to capture the enormity of this place.
The bridge to the palace.
The Royal Woods.
From there we went to Moscow University (apologies, I am not posting those photos) From there we went to this lookout where we could see 6 of the 7 sisters (buildings Stalin built to show off communist macho-ism) They were easy to spot. Dad and I were in need of a pop. We walked to the kiosks and bought "coke light" in pretend size bottles. I think Russians would be disgusted at the size of our sodas over here.
Moscow is a massive city. 15 million people. Just had to record that.
We went to the first McDonald's in Russia. I never eat there but we did in Russia. Mom got busted for videoing the inside. We laughed. Because we don't have these at home? I kept the place mat. I think it is so cool to see things that are so ordinary but so different. AND they're LARGE drinks here are the same size as the kids size in the US.
I love that it is something ordinary made so different.
It tasted the same. Except we had to pay for ketchup.
Probably the most tourist-y spot in Russia.
Basil's. So beautifully unique. In fact, Ivan the Terrible had the architects eyes gouged out so that he could never build another one. We went inside and Mom and I got a little
claustrophobic. Apparently Russian Orthodox think
Christ was incredibly skinny, all the
depictions of him had his ribs showing. The entire inside is painted with
frescos or murals. Damon and I came into a crowded room where a
choir was singing, and this babushka started yelling at Damon to take the backpack off, over and over in rapid succession, and then Damon yelled in Russian, "I Heard!" It probably would have gone
un-noticed but it happened right as the
choir finished a song. Heads turned. Damon carried the backpack the rest of the time.

9 thoughts:
I LOVE the pictures!! I hope you had a great time!!
WOW! Looks like an amazing trip!
Wow, looks like a blast. How great that Damon could be your tour guide. Your pictures are amazing.
Excellent trip reports!
I love your report Rachael. You remember things I have already forgotten. Keep it coming
Just so you know, I am lifting any pix you post for my files because I am your mother and I assume I can get away with it.
Looks like a blast!! I love the pics and by the way - I doubt you needed to change your outfit. You always look GREAT!!
Wow, awesome!! The royal woods look so inviting. I just want to crawl into that picture. I'm glad you guys had fun, despite being away from Z & L for 10 days! I don't know if I could do it.
Happy (belated) Birthday too! August is the best month to be born in. :)
that looks so fun! All the buildings are so amazing, I would love to visit there someday.
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