CHELSEY AND SETH ARE MARRIED!!! It was an incredible day. Too bad there are no photos... he he It was overcast and perfect light. Only 93 degrees. For Mesa, at the end of June, that is unheard of. Chelsey looked amazing. In the sealing room, she was so incredibly happy. There were no tears. Just giddy, school girl smiles the whole time. It made everyone in the room smile. Seth looked handsome, although I don't think he cared one bit about anything else but marrying Chels. We are so glad to have him in the family!
Don't they look blissfully happy?
The photos at the temple were great, and I got to be a superhero. There was another bride that got married about an hour after Chels, and her photographer DID NOT SHOW. What the WHAT!? I came to the rescue. They turned out beautiful. If you want to see, click here. I was drenched in sweat by the time I wrapped things up at the temple. I felt so gross...
The Pullman Children
D, Chels, and Rylee
Keeping cool in a 20 pound satin dress
After a LONG shower I pampered myself and went to Blossom to get my hair 'did'. I love the way it looked, and it was really nice to have a legitimate reason to sit still for an hour. After that I rushed home, got the kids and hubby ready and headed to the Wright House Provencal for the reception and dancing.
At the reception we did (surprise) MORE BRIDAL PORTRAITS. Chels and Seth have more wedding photos than they will ever know what to do with. I am finally done, 5 week later... Then the rest of the line showed up and Damon helped me by pushing the shutter release after I framed the photo and then jumped in. After review of the photos I have decided that I should never go blond again.
They had a beautiful brides room
D and I have a photo like this from our wedding, its one of my favorites
The food was great, the flowers were beautiful and sassy, the cake was gorgeous, the groomsmen were handsome, the bridesmaid's were incredibly hot ;), the flower girls were too adorable, the location was to die for, and the dancing was so much fun. One of the best weddings I have ever been to. Way to go Mom and Dad P! You bankrolled one heck of a party!
My chillins, practicing their ball room skills
Congrats you Two!!
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