Dec 24, 2010

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the governemnt shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace"

Isaiah 9:6

Merry Christmas

Dec 16, 2010


Ok so this is one of those posts that I may or may not regret posting, but I am too excited to care. I thought about posting it on facebook, but I think more people would see it and so I am posting it here.

I woke up this morning and I did the routine. Zoey off to school dressed like Cindy Lou Whoo, Damon off to work, Liam off to preschool, ect. Sometime in the midst of that I found time to get ready and low and behold, a Christmas miracle.

I outgrew my A-cup bra.
(commence hallelujah chorus)


I would also like to thank the pregnancy hormones that made this possible.

Dec 7, 2010


We saw our little peanut today. I've never had an ultrasound this early!! There he/she is!! In all his/her fetal glory!!
I am eight weeks.
I am really really sick.
I am even more really really tired.
I am due in July.

Nov 19, 2010

Today, I played with my kids as they ran around being super heroes with blankets tied on their necks. It was a very good day.

Nov 17, 2010

A Proclamation

This is the most handsome little boy in the whole wide world.

Nov 14, 2010


... This is what happiness looks like.

Stop and Stare

I feel like she has grown up in a blink of an eye.

Nov 9, 2010

The Joey

Damon and I went on a walk with the kids this afternoon. Zoey asked, "Mom? When is Grandma coming to visit? Not Fancy Grammy, the Grandma with the Joey."

'The Joey' enjoying a Rudy's Pulled Pork Sandwich

Back when we moved to Austin in July, my little bro Joey came to visit/help us pack and move. It was a huge help to have him here. Thank you to the Mom and Dad of 'The Joey' for sending him!Zoey and Liam kept him busy, and he is the only member of the Eddington family that has seen our new home. (hint hint)

The Pullman Family with 'The Joey' at the Oasis.

Me and 'The Joey'

'The Joey' after Shamu said hello

"The Joey's" hand petting the dolphin who was happy after eating a 4 dollar fish.

We made sure his visit included all things Texas: BBQ, swimming, The Oasis, and Sea World San Antonio. Although we did make him help us seal grout and stay up till 1 AM Epoxy-ing the garage floor. Out of guilt, we let him do the 'Art Deco' sprinkles.

Nov 5, 2010

Baby Steps

Ever since the move I have been the worlds worst blogger. Isn't it overwhelming to update almost a YEAR of events? Since this is the one year mark of our move to Texas, I am going to make a promise to myself and my children to do little posts, either of recent events, or events that I have not yet blogged.

Baby steps. Baby posts.

Post one:

Pumpkin Carving:

The Friday before Halloween we carved our pumpkins. It was a special treat to have Fancy Grammy and Papa here with us to celebrate the Halloween festivities. Zoey changed her jack-o-lantern design at least twice. Liam loved the pumpkin guts, Zoey had a few (try 4) meltdowns when Dad and Papa teased her with the pumpkin guts. All in all, a very fun time was had by all. Our entry way was quite the sight.

Happy Halloween

Oct 6, 2010

Biggest Loser

I am addicted. There is nothing more motivating to put the candy bar down and get to the gym than this show.

Sep 28, 2010

My Niece

Three Weeks Old.

Properly Spoiled by me all weekend...

Sep 24, 2010

For Logan...

I feel as if I have compromised my aritstic credibility with these frames, but it was just to hard to resist. And yes, that is a groomsmen channeling his inner rooster...

Sep 23, 2010

The Motherland and A Wedding

Back at the beginning of August, I was so lucky to be able to steal a weekend away (thanks Babe, for watching the kids) and return to Colorado Springs. It was a wonderful time, hanging out with Kelly, Jenn, and Joyanna, shopping, eating at Hacienda Colorado, and photographing Taylor. She is a stunning woman, and even more stunning bride. Stepping off the plane after an afternoon thunderstorm made me feel like I was alive again. The air was cool and crisp, with a breeze that made you wish you had a jacket. There is something about living at the base of a 14,000 foot mountain that makes me feel invigorated. Maybe one day we will be there again...

Sep 16, 2010


Please welcome the latest addition to Team Pullman

Weighing in at 40 lbs, and 6 months old


I have made Damon the happiest man alive

Sep 11, 2010

Saturday is a Special Day

Saturday is a special day, its the day Rachael looses her mind!!!!

Today I have a million things to do. Clean the house, write a talk (which we were asked to speak on Wednesday night!), plan a lesson, watch the kids, grocery shop, AND get the house ready for our new arrival tomorrow. A BOXER!!!!!! Out little dog Daisy was stolen about 2 weeks ago off our back patio while she was in her kennel. Just picked up the kennel and left. We had someone come and fix the AC unit, and they are starting the house next door to us, so there were several workers who knew that we had a little Doxie (yorkie, daushund mix). There has been a problem with this in our neighborhood. I know of five families this has happened to. The workers either steal them and sell them, or they steal them and bring them back if there is a reward poster. We did the reward poster thing, and nada. The kiddos don't know, and I think Zoey it putting it together when we went to Costco and bought a dog bed, then to Crate and Barrel to buy dog bowls and now we are headed to petco to get a collar and a leash.

(daisy pulling zoey around in the water)

At Costco she asked me, "Mom, is this for Liam?"

me: "No honey, its a dog bed"

Zoey: "Oh, but why are we getting it?"

me: "What do you think"

Zoey: "Ummm, I think its too big for a chihuahua puppy"

Liam: "Chihuahua!!!! I wov widdle Chihuahua!!!! I think its so funny that Chihuahua is the ONLY word he can say correctly.

me: "Hmmm, yes, its a little big for a chihuahua."

Zoey: GASP "Are we getting TWO chihuahuas!!!!!"

I am really hoping they aren't disappointed with a Boxer...

Sep 9, 2010

What I learned at Curriculum Night

Tonight was curriculum night at Zoey's school. I arrived a few minutes early to ask a few questions about how Zoey is doing. As soon as I sat down at Zoey's desk, Mrs. Johnson came to me giggling. She says, "I have to tell you a story about the second day of school."

me: "Oh Boy." (sighing in nervousness)

Mrs J: "After the pledge of Allegiance we have a minute of silence and reflection. The kids are supposed to stand. I looked around and thought Zoey was still sitting, so said to Zoey, 'Honey, you need to stand up!', and she said, very offended, ' I AM standing!!!'

She is that short. Her first grade teacher thought she was sitting down! I was laughing hysterically. Hope you did too. If it didn't, this photo will at least get a chuckle out of ya.

Jumping off the back of the boat, Lake Havasu

Sep 2, 2010

The Hunger Games

Just ordered the whole trilogy. I am very excited, because according to everyone I've talked to, especially my beehives, they are the best thing ever. A special thanks to Amazon for allowing me to purchase the books for less than $25.

*i'm a beehive advisor now!!!!

Aug 26, 2010

First Day of Pre-School

Liam is a pre-schooler now.
He feels very big.
He loves is Buzz Lightyear lunch box.
He feels very cool eating lunch out of it, and he gets spiderman fruitsnacks to boot.
I feel like I've lost my baby.

Aug 23, 2010

First Day of School

She picked out the outfit herself, did her hair by herself, and put her shoes on herself.
My big first grader....

Aug 16, 2010



today is just one of those days where I am completely wiped out. Both Liam and Zoey have pushed me to my limit in the first 3 hours of the day. I don't know if it was the move, then vacation, then unpacking, or what. With no real schedule, no real stability, they have turned into monsters. Expectant, entitled monsters. So today, as Liam threw a royal fit and refused to get his hair cut, while at the same time Zoey literally yelled at the girl cutting her hair that she was doing it wrong, I came to the harsh reality that my kids are awful, and I need to do something about it.

Initiating 'de-bratify the brats' phase one.

Got the kids in the car after the hair cut from hell. Just sat there in silence for 15 minutes, praying and asking for guidance.

Went to chick-fil-a, only got myself lunch. Told the kids that had they behaved, they would have chicken nuggets for lunch too.

Drove home. Had a sit down with each kid individually. Zoey is now expected to listen, obey, do her best, and nix the drama. I told her that sometimes people treat her like a four year old, because she is small and looks like one. But she is 6 years old. I am going to tell all of her teachers what we expect of her, and that they are going to expect the same thing. And I mean everyone. The gym child watch teachers, her gymnastics and ballet teachers, primary teachers, and her new school teacher. It has been a struggle since she was four and looked like a 2 year old, but now it is just getting ridiculous.

Liam. This is my fault. He is my baby. I forget that while yes, he is my baby, he is 3 1/2. I treat him like a 2 year old. He has just been AWFUL. He tells me no, talks back, and is just generally a nightmare. So today, I talked with him about respect. He told me no and to leave him alone. He got a bare bum swat, and we tried again. This time he listened. Then I cut his hair, and each time he told me no and to go away, I told him "You don't talk to mom that way", and gave him a pinch on the leg. (which, for whatever reason, is like the worst punishment possible for him) After two pinches, he listened, obeyed, and the hair cut was done in 5 minutes.

Zoey and Liam are in for boot camp. And both of them have new hair cuts.

I won this round. Family night will be all about this subject all over again. I hope we can undo the damage that we caused before it becomes permanent. I love my kids and I really feel like a failure as a mother that I let it get to this point. They are both wonderful, beautiful kids, but I have learned the harsh lesson that kids need boundaries. Real, consistent boundaries. With out them, they don't know what is appropriate or what is expected of them. I am going to be in for it the next couple weeks, but I need to do this for my kids sake, and my sanity.

Sorry this is kinda ramble ramble and hap hazard. But I need to write it down. Just to put it out there. I need help. I need words of wisdom. How do I fix this?

Jul 29, 2010


Liam is potty trained.

boo ya

Jul 26, 2010

Yay! We have Internet!

Jul 14, 2010



The problem is three fold...

1. Since November we have lived in Houston, where there is nothing to do but go out to eat. There is a doughnut shop in every strip mall for Pete's sake.

2. We have recently moved, which means the desire to cook has flown out the window. Combine problem one with stress eating. Not pretty.

3. With the move, I have had ZERO time to go to the gym. Mainly due to packing, and stress eating.


I went shopping today. I tried on lots of pretty dresses. They are the same size that I was wearing, but lets just say that there are now pooches where there used to be muscle. I left with no pretty dresses, and two pair of spanx.

Jul 12, 2010


A quick update from me.

My little brother came to visit/help me pack.

We closed on our house.

We hired movers.

They moved us into our super awesome house.

We unpacked our house...almost

Now we are in Arizona, basking in the sun like reptiles.

Jul 4, 2010

Bumper Crop...

Luckily for me, it seems the lovely pregnant ladies in my ward decided to have all their babies within a month of each other...

Jul 3, 2010

Happy 4th

The Pullman Family

Jun 30, 2010

Making a House a Home

We did it! We are now officially homeowners! Yay!
who knew I would have so much fun epoxy-ing the garage floor and sealing grout...

Jun 25, 2010

Texas Observations

I have lived in Texas for almost 7 months now. Here are a few more of my observations.

Every mall has at least one 'Texas' store. Most usually have two, one dedicated to the state, the other dedicated to Universities and professional sports teams.

When you stay at any hotel that has a continental breakfast, the waffle iron is in the shape of Texas.

They make 'Texas Edition' vehicles. Usually huge, lifted, off road type trucks, but have also been sighted as huge, lifted SUV's. They are also limited to American made vehicles.

When you go into ANY store, you will be guaranteed to find all of the following.
1. Someone wearing a University of Texas article of clothing.
2. Someone wearing a Texas A&M article of clothing
3. Someone wearing a Texas article of clothing.
4. Texas merchandise (even the GAP carries a university line of t-shirts)
5. The Texas state flag flying as high as the US flag. (You know we could succeed from the nation and still be A OKAY? That, apparently, is why we can do that)

People look at you weird when you say 'you guys' or 'you all' and not 'ya'll', then ask if you are from back east or California.

I'm fairly certain that braggy bumper stickers were invented here. If you get behind an SUV or a mini van you know how many kids they have, what their kids names are, where they are an honor student, if they take dance lessons/cheernation class, and what sports teams they are on.

Driving rules and regulations are seen as mere suggestions.

I am liking it more and more around here. It is a very entertaining place to be.

Jun 23, 2010



Jun 22, 2010

Wait and see

This has been my mantra for the last 2 years.

Wait and see if Damon gets a promotion,

wait and see where said promotion is,

wait and see where we raise our family.

Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see.

Now we have an offer on a house.

A perfect, beautiful house in Austin, Texas.

The price is perfect, the house is perfect, the neighborhood is perfect.

It is Perfect.

Except for one thing. Not to go into too much detail, but we have to close by June 30th, or we loose the house. With this whole tax credit thing, which we don't qualify for, the underwriter is at max capacity, and because our loan isn't a tax credit eligible, it isn't a high priority.

If we don't get word by tomorrow, we won't close by June 30th.

We will loose the house.

I am so sick of waiting

Jun 18, 2010

updated, again

more baby on the blog.
p.s. happy birthday to my lil' Zoey Jill

Jun 14, 2010


As promised, I posted more of Baby J on the my photography blog

Jun 10, 2010

baby hungry

look what I got to do today...

Jun 6, 2010

June 5

There are some days that mark milestones.
The day you are born, the day you are baptized,
the day you graduate,
the day you get married,
the day you find out you are going to become a mother.
You get the idea.

June 5 is my milestone this year.
It is the 10 year anniversary of my accident.
When I was 16, I was hit by a car.
I will spare you all the details, but let me tell you this.
I have a unshakable testimony of the power of priesthood blessings.
I know that worthy priesthood holders can preform miracles.
I escaped what should have been a paralyzing accident with a busted up knee and a few scratches and bruises.

The busted up knee was my Everest.
An uphill battle with surgeries and physical therapy for almost two years.
I am celebrating this ten year anniversary because I made it 10 years with none of the conditions that my brilliant Doctor told me I would most likely have.
No Arthritis.
No Pain.
No Additional Surgeries.
Most of all, Dr. Sharpe told me I would most likely have a knee replacement by the time I am 30.
I'm almost 27, and there is no reason for such a surgery.

I'm even running.

I know it is because of priesthood blessings, prayers, and faith.
I knew if I kept my end of the bargain, by working hard, keeping in shape, and keeping it strong, I would be blessed.

I am truly blessed.

So I celebrated by eating begals and photographing a self portrait.

Bring on the next 10 years.

May 27, 2010

cine capri

on the weekends we like to have family movie night.
i'm aware that its thursday, but zoey is playin' hooky tomorrow,
we are paying a visit to her good friend, shamu.

please don't judge me on the state of my living room,
i have strep,
cleaning didn't make the to do list...

May 25, 2010


Zoey had her very first ballet recital. She was so great. Ya know there is that natural gift to feel and move with the music? She has got it. We could not be prouder. She loves ballet, and I am so glad she has found something that she loves to do so young. I hope she keeps with it!

Zoey loved the attention, and the flowers from Mom and Dad. Her most favorite thing? "Putting on Make-up and dancing in my beautiful costume."

May 11, 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like summer

We had our first, impromptu BBQ outside last week. It was hot, and I loved it. We grilled chicken apple sausages, had a cold soda, and jumped on the trampoline. Damon found and killed a brown recluse spider on the sprayer of our hose, then Damon 'watered' the kids. I watered my garden. It was a lovely evening. The End.

May 9, 2010

3 & 33

I can't believe how much he has changed!

Handsome birthday boy, shown here in Moscow, Russia
Thirty Three things I love about Damon.
1. He is a really good kisser
2. He has smiley eyes
3. He is really funny
4. He is a really hard worked and so
5: He is a really great provider.
6. He is the best Dad.
7. He is always sure to find a babysitter to take me out on a hot date once a week.
8. He supports me going back to school, and has sacrificed his weekends for 4 months.
9. He is worthy priesthood holder.
10. He supports me in my crazy calling. (every week he checks with me to see if he needs to fill in anywhere. Every Week.)
11. He takes care of me.
12. He gives me alone time every week.
13. He knows when to push me out of the house when I am going crazy.
14. He loves sports.
15. He compliments me everyday.
16. He tells me he loves me every day, multiple times a day.
17. He is loves my family
18. He loves his family
19. He lets me do the Mom thing and stay at home with my kids.
20. He is a wonderful boss
21. He worries about me
22. He will make me a grilled goat cheese sandwich at 11 pm.
23. He loves my cooking.
24. He supports my foodie mentality...
25. and the grocery bill that goes along with that.
26. We are best friends, which
27. Makes moving not as bad as it could be.
28. He is hot. Really hot.
29. His smile melts me
30. He leads our family.
31. He loves our kids. Loves loves loves them.
32. He took me to the temple to get married
33. He is my everything! I love you Damon!

Partying with the kids after hitting the driving range.

Liam boy on his REAL birthday, celebrating with cake and ice cream.
Liam is my protector. He is my sweet, shy, particular little man. I am so grateful for him.
Happy Birthday Boys!!!

I am so lucky to have a man like Damon, and a little man like Liam.