This has been my mantra for the last 2 years.
Wait and see if Damon gets a promotion,
wait and see where said promotion is,
wait and see where we raise our family.
Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see.
Now we have an offer on a house.

A perfect, beautiful house in Austin, Texas.
The price is perfect, the house is perfect, the neighborhood is perfect.
It is Perfect.
Except for one thing. Not to go into too much detail, but we have to close by June 30th, or we loose the house. With this whole tax credit thing, which we don't qualify for, the underwriter is at max capacity, and because our loan isn't a tax credit eligible, it isn't a high priority.
If we don't get word by tomorrow, we won't close by June 30th.
We will loose the house.
I am so sick of waiting
4 thoughts:
That house is BEAUTIFUL!I hope it works out.
Hang it there Rachael. It bet it will work out.
My fingers, my eyes, my toes, my legs... everything I can possibly cross for you is crossed.
How amazing!
I so hope it works out!!!
The house is amazing. Looks like a fairy-tale house! I totally understand the completely sick of waiting feeling. I feel like I am stuck in the same rut. Maybe we are just extra slow at learning how to be patient :)
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