There are some days that mark milestones.
The day you are born, the day you are baptized,
the day you graduate,
the day you get married,
the day you find out you are going to become a mother.
You get the idea.
June 5 is my milestone this year.
It is the 10 year anniversary of my accident.
When I was 16, I was hit by a car.
I will spare you all the details, but let me tell you this.
I have a unshakable testimony of the power of priesthood blessings.
I know that worthy priesthood holders can preform miracles.
I escaped what should have been a paralyzing accident with a busted up knee and a few scratches and bruises.
The busted up knee was my Everest.
An uphill battle with surgeries and physical therapy for almost two years.
I am celebrating this ten year anniversary because I made it 10 years with none of the conditions that my brilliant Doctor told me I would most likely have.
No Arthritis.
No Pain.
No Additional Surgeries.
Most of all, Dr. Sharpe told me I would most likely have a knee replacement by the time I am 30.
I'm almost 27, and there is no reason for such a surgery.
I'm even running.
I know it is because of priesthood blessings, prayers, and faith.
I knew if I kept my end of the bargain, by working hard, keeping in shape, and keeping it strong, I would be blessed.
I am truly blessed.

So I celebrated by eating begals and photographing a self portrait.
Bring on the next 10 years.
9 thoughts:
you're truly amazing girl. you have been through so much and a big two thumbs up and a monster bowl of yummy treats for your 10 years!!!!
I love it!! especially the sly look on your face in the pic!! bring it on, world!!!
What a GORGEOUS picture of you!!! WOW!!
Congrats on the huge milestone!
You are so beautiful Rachael. We're proud of you. Love Mom and Dad
Its amazing how much time heals! I can hardly believe its been 10 years. You were & are still strong. Its been 4 years since my accident... I hope by 10 years I am singing the same tune you are :) You inspire me! Love the self-portrait!
I have wondered what the scar was from. I'm so sorry it was such a horrific accident. Congratulations on beating the odds and fighting through it. And thank you for your testimony. Onward for the next 10 years. Hope all is well. Beautiful picture as well! That's easy with you as the target!
Love the post and the pic - you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Miss ya tons-
You ROCK!! Your story is amazing, and tragic and triumphant! I love you to death and we've only really met a couple times. But, Damon picked you and you picked him and that means you are a Sanders (Pullman too) for life! You are strong and beautiful and someone I hope to love even more. I already feel like I do!
You ROCK!! I truly empathize with you sweet, strong woman!! I especially love you proving Dr. Sharpe wrong (cuz u know how I feel about the doc)! I so admire your discipline, you are such a good example to me. Here's to another remarkable 10 years & beyond! Hugs, Mams
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