May 31, 2008

Gone with the Wind

The story of life in Colorado Springs. Wind, Wind, and more Wind. We went to the Wolf Ranch pool 2 Thursday and Friday. Both days were so windy we lasted about an hour each time. Yesterday one of Zoey's crocs blew away. Yes. Literally, Gone with the wind. Ugg.

On a totally unrelated note, I have been riding almost every day this week with the kids in the bike trailer. It paid off. I rode the Air Force Academy this morning and passed six people. Four of them were men. The two that I totally smoked going up the hill after the soccer fields said after I passed them,"Dude, that was a chick." To which the other replied, "No way." That felt GGGOOOOODDD!! I went home and admired my superior glutes.

1 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

YOU ROCK!!!! Congrats!!! Girls rule, especially ones with Super Glutes! Seriously - that's awesome!