The past two weeks have been like a roller coaster. Well, I guess the first 9 days were relaxing, and the last 4 were INSANE! We started off going to Durango. About 1/2 way to Havasu. We played at the park, and found it is just as windy there as it is here. Blech. Then we drove. New Mexico has to be, bar none, the ugliest state in the union. I swear if I have to drive that again, I will go insane.
Who knew?The next 5 days were spent outside on the new 27 foot tri-toon boat that Papa and Grammy have recently acquired (TOTALLY AWESOME!!), or playing outside, or playing wii, or shopping, or anything else that caught our fancy. We loved being there with Rylee and the girls, Chelsey and especially Mom and Dad. What amazing people. I feel so blessed to have 'in-laws' that I can call Mom and Dad. They are so good to me and especially to my children. Every time I am with them I am moved by their unconditional, and at times, uncontrollable, love for their children and grandchildren. They only want the best for us, and it is truly evident. Zoey and Liam love their Grandparents, and Zoey was so sad to leave grandpa McQueen. She loves them, and loves having all thier attention.
I have to post some of the tubing pics, because they are just too funny. My amazingly cute niece Ashlee, who is 14, had a hard time on the tube, but it made for some great laughs when we got home and saw the pics! Liam and Zoey even went out on the tube. Zoey was our little dare devil. GO ZOEY!!
After the LOOONNNGGG drive home Wednesday. I wanted to roll over and die. It was the worst. Never drive that in one day. We left Lake Havasu at 10 AM and arrived home at 2 AM Thursday morning. Never Again. But what I found interesting as I was driving through Pueblo at 1 AM was the radio stations. They are playing soft porn. I listened to 3 top 40 type radio stations and I heard Mariah Carey telling you how she likes her fore play, Lil' something or other wants to visit his girl at work while she slides down a pole with no clothes ( because apparently all women work in strip clubs?), told to bend over and show some Hispanic rapper what I'm workin' with, and got in depth instructions on how to "Lick it like a LolliPop." This was all in a 4 minute time frame channel surfing. What makes me sick is that this is what our youth are listening to. This is what they play at school dances! Anyone else as disgusted by this as I am? I know "freedom of speech" and all that, but come on, this is just wrong. They have really fun beats, and young kids get hooked and like them without realizing what they are teaching, and what they are teaching is not OK. It makes me scared to even turn on the radio in the car with my kids.
Thursday the wedding festivities began. Cody flew in with Joel, the best man. It got really crazy, really fast. The bachelorette party was at our house. B had her friends over for one last hurahh. It was funny to see her with all her friends. They are a riot.

Saturday Morning was the sealing. (For those not familiar, in the temple, when we are married, we are also sealed to our spouse for time and all eternity.) Breaelle looked beautiful and calm, and Cody looked handsome through all his tears. Cody was crying or teary eyed through the whole thing. My Dad was teary eyed before they even came in the room. It was so sweet to see them, I love them both so much. I am so glad I listened to that little voice 2 1/2 years ago that said "You need to set Breaelle up with Cody." They are beautiful, as you can see by the pictures. (these were taken with the worst possible lighting imaginable, but I still made it work.) The luncheon was great, and I managed to get through my toast with out breaking down. The reception was so cool. Laura Talbot and the gang did an amazing job with the decorating and the flowers. We ate, danced, visited, and I took a bazzilion pics. Between her dad and I, and Joyanna at the reception (Thanks again J!!) We had over 1000 frames of the day. Now they are off in an mansion in Cabo San Lucas, livin it up.

Mothers day I spent making brunch for my family. Hazelnut Cinnamon rolls and mini frittatas. YUM! After they left, I spent the rest of the day on the couch. I was exhausted. Damon made me dinner. Zoey gave me a card. It was a good day. I went to bed early. AHHH, My crazy life...
8 thoughts:
I love the pictures at the temple. They look soooooo good. The pictures on the lake made me very ready for warm weather, IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!! I am glad you are back and everything went so well. We love you a ton!!
What an entry!!! I read the whole thing and laughed and left bad for you all at the same time. You truly did look amazing (in a mermaid sort of way - lol) at the reception. I'd love a copy of the photo CD. I hope they turned out ok - it's always different using a camera that is not your own. Glad you had a great vaca and that you finally got to crash!!!!
Loved this post. You truly are a great photographer. And you looked lovely at the reception. AND I like your mom. She was way cute.
The Wedding pictures look AWESOME!!! You did such a great job. I LOVE the sepia picture! IT was fun to meet your brother- he seems like such a good guy. They look so happy!
What a crazy busy life you've had! I am so envious of the boating pictures!
Where do I start? I am so freaking glad you are back. Do more 2 weeks out of town. Got it? I'm glad you are slowly recovering from your adventures. The wedding turned out great and your pictures are awesome. I need to get you to take our family shots. I just keep hoping Ashley's hair will grow out. I guess I should just give up and do it.
oops...I meant NO more 2 weeks out of town. Hee Hee
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