So I thought I'd post some Zoey-ism's.
Lately She has been calling Damon Damon, not Daddy. Every day, "Damon! I'm hungry, make me a cheese sandwich." "Damon, snuggle me!" The best one was when we were picking her up from Nicole's house, and they were out waiting for us on the porch, and Zoey exclaims,"Mommy and Damon! Mommy and Damon!!" Kim thought that was a riot. It really bugs Damon. Now he will tell her, "No Zoey, I'm Daddy!" to which she replies, "No, you're Damon." That's what he gets for teaching her our real names if she ever gets lost.
On the way to Lake Havasu, we stopped in a Wendy's to eat and take a bathroom break. I took Zoey in there and as I was using the bathroom she patted my shoulder gently and looked at me with those beautiful big brown eyes and said so sweetly, "Mom, I love your big bum." Thanks??
I told her she was so pretty a few days ago, to which she replied, "Thanks, I know." And walked away.
I asked her to do something while she was playing, and she poked her head out of her fort and pointed at me and said,"Yes Mom, just a minute! I'm playing!" OK Then...
We have been teaching her about stranger danger. Damon taught her to yell stranger if anyone comes near her that she doesn't know. Now when she is playing on patio in the sandbox and someone across the street is getting their mail or walking there dog, she yells,"STRANGER! STRANGER!!" And runs inside! Way to be thorough, Dad!
5 thoughts:
Your bum is cute...but not very big.
I love the bum comment. Aren't children just wonderful -
The hillarious thing was that she genuinely thought she was giving me a compliment. It was all I could do to not laugh. What a sweetie. The lady in the stall next to us was cracking up.
little too honest those pre-schoolers! me about photos! I'd love to go in with you. I just got a new 50mm for my Cannon D40 and LOVE it! What a difference.
She looks so grown up in that picture! I loved her Zoey-isms - very funny!
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