Sep 9, 2008

Another reason I miss summer... That means Football season is here.

The Broncos played last night against the Raiders. Damon hates the Raiders almost as much as San Diego. I though I would be able to finish my book, but just as I was going back to our room, Damon asks in this shocked and surprised, voice, " You're not going to watch the game with me?" "..............(awkward silence from me)... Suuurrreee......" ( Inside I was going , "CRAP") I ended up snuggling with my hubby and falling asleep during the 3rd quarter. Except when there was a good play and I was jolted almost to the point of falling off the couch...

1 thoughts:

Liz said...

Haha! Well, at least you get to snuggle with your hubby. Not a bad side effect of the season. :) And yes the class is at the church. Hope to see you!