Sep 18, 2008

Being Lazy

I know that I should be packing right now, but I am not. I am REALLY REALLY RRREEEAAAALLLLYYY burnt out on the whole concept. We get the keys tonight, then we move in. Saturday is THE BIG MOVE. Thank goodness my beloved Mother is coming Sunday to help me sort through all of our truly fantastic and ever mounting CRAP. Now I am going into the closet with a pillow for some primal scream therapy.

6 thoughts:

Tamzen Fleming said...

Want me to come and help you? I totally will. I hate moving and I hae asking for help, but when i get burnt out and my mom just shows up and startts doing stuff it help me get back in to things. I can come tonight or tomorrow. Come on say yes, you know you want to!

Tamzen Fleming said...

Sorry such sloppy typing! I meant to say I hate asking for help and there is only one t in starts, and I meant to say it helps me get back in to things. I'll proof read next time!

Brooke said...

I didn't know your mom was coming....yeah! That will help tons! I hate packing, it's so time consuming. Can't wait to see pics of your new place! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Drink a rockstar - not cause you are one, cause you will have the lasting effect of the once in a while mormon coffee :) good luck babe, seriously happy to help!!!

Melanie said...

Come take pictures of my Eden! I would love it. Are you sure you have time?

My parents are here until Wednesday...

Bekah: said...

good luck with the move. we move in about 7 months and i'm already dreading it!