Sep 16, 2008

funny little things

(Zoey on the first day of Pre-school)
Zoey has had a few funny one-liners lately

At Costco, I told her to finish her pizza so she could be big and strong. She looked at me and in all seriousness said, "No Mom, I'm yittle and stwong!!"

She was watching the news with me and said, "Mom. Who is Bama and A Cain, and what are they wacing for??" Any tips on how to explain politics to a 4 year old? I told her a big white house and a limo with flags on it.

She went to Kalssical Kids today, where they learned about emotions in music, and had colored her angry page all in with a dark color. Interesting. Now when she has been angry with me, she hands me a freshly colored in black page and hands it to me and says, "Mom, I'm angwy at you!"

Zoey is loving 'wee-school', and has finally taken an interest in the alphabet. We work every day on learning and writing the letters, and she is doing very well. Although, when she is done, she is done. "Mom, I'm bored, I'm all done with yittle 'c'."
Liam is starting to talk!!! He can say Mom, Dad, Dot, Dog, ink (drink), thank you, (Tan ou), Grandma and grandpa (gama and gapa), more!!, Uh-oh! and no, (he shakes his head no and goes uh-uah). Maily its just the intonations that I can understand, but that's how they learn! Such a smart little guy! Within the last month he has quickly mastered the art of driving Zoey insane. He knows how to push her buttons. For example. He sees Zoey playing with something, and near by is her blanket. He puts a foot on her blanket and waits for her to notice. When she does she starts whining, and then he lays on it, laughing hysterically. He will be a great little brother.

12 thoughts:

Tamzen Fleming said...

So cute! You're kids are so adorable! I was walking past your house today and just thinking how much we are going to miss all of you!

jenn and flay said...

Zoey says the best things! Liam is just dishing out 18 months of frustrations. He is awesome, and it will be so good for her. I know Ashley torments Andrew and I love it. Keep it up Liam!

Diana said...

The only problem with little brothers driving older siblings insane is that the whining from the older sibling may very well drive you insane. It does me.

R A C H A E L said...


I know. I hate whining even more than fighting. It drives me INSANE.

Anonymous said...

I love the new photos of the kids - yeah for black crayons huh?!?!

ashley said...

hey rachael!
cute blog (:

Berly said...

Zoey is adorable and I love how Liam tortures her. Little brothers are awesome!!

Natalie Francis said...

I love her comments. Kids are the greatest and sibling rivalry couldn't be sweeter!

Bekah: said...

i posted a similar blog a few weeks ago. it cracks me up to hear all the funny things these girls think up. and politics? sheesh... i'm lost as to what to say to her. each thing i explain brings another 100 questions!

im not quite sure what color her eyes are. she says green. i say brown with a tint of green?

thanks for the yoga website. i'll have to check into that! i recently started yoga because my cardiologist hadn't released me to do anything aerobic and i LOVE it!

Bekah: said...

zoe is a doll by the way! so adorabley cute! wish we could get our girls together for a tea party!

J said...

Oh your kids are so cute! Zoey, is such a little princess! And Liam, cute name and cute kid. The intervention letter was hilarious. I am glad your hubby got to keep his job! Thank goodness. I am in love with CO, my hubby and I talk about how someday we would like to end up there. Its beautiful.

Rachel said...

Your kids are so cute! I love Zoey's one liners.