Dec 5, 2015

Patience is a Virtue.

First off, I would like to publicly admit something that I am proud of, but is also embarrassing at the same time.  It’s time to air out the shame.  This is officially the furthest I have read in the book of Mormon in the shortest amount of time since I graduated high school in 2001.  There it is. 

This week we were finishing up in the book of Mosiah, and launching into the marathon.  The book of ALMA.  I don’t know why, but I have this mental block with Alma.  It is super intimidating, so I am publicly stating this: This year in Pathway, I will completely read the book of Alma.  I read somewhere that if you write it down, it will happen.  So it’s happening.

I really enjoyed the first seven chapters of Alma this week.  I have a lot of respect for Alma the Younger. To give you some background as to what is happening in chapter one, Mosiah doesn’t have anyone to pass his kingdom on to, and so he sets up what we know as ‘the reign of the judges’.  Basically to prevent there being an evil king who leads the people away from the church, he sets up a panel of men, chosen by the people, to carry out and enforce the rules.  Alma is the chief judge.  In the second year, we hit a bump.  The people who are not part of the church are beginning to persecute those who are in the church.  ‘Even to blows’ as the scriptures say in Alma 1:22.  Fighting in the streets, persecuting those who believed in Christ.  I like to think of it as if people really said face to face what they say or post on Facebook. This brings me to my main discussion point. 

 In Alma 1:25
Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.
Alma 1:25

I feel like there have been several times in my life where I have felt persecuted because of my beliefs.  Especially lately.  It was made even more difficult that those who chose to tell me what I believed, and how I was living my life was not Christ like were actually my friends who used to be members of the church.  It was very confusing and hurtful.  However, this was a turning point for me.  I knew what I believed was true.  No amount of hurtful words or misconstrued ideas was going to change that.  I prayed and fasted, and feel like I was given an understanding into those who choose to persecute.  People often persecute what they don’t understand.  Let’s take it a step further.  A person who understands, or at one point understood true doctrine, could be desperately trying to make themselves feel right about doing wrong.  Thus trying to make you as miserable as they are.  Back to Alma 1:25-“ they bore with patience the persecution that was heaped upon them.”  I like to think that the Nephite people who were diligent in keeping God’s commandments were patient because they understood why those persecutors were so upset.  It changes your perspective.  I bet there was even some pity for those people who were trying to make the righteous’ lives harder.  I know I do.