Dec 13, 2011

Family Portraits 2011

A few weeks ago we did our annual family portrait session. I am in love with how they turned out!!

Nov 16, 2011

Four Months

Oct 12, 2011

Josslynn's Blessing

This weekend was wonderful. Josslynn was blessed by her father. Damon gave a beautiful blessing to Josslynn that I felt was so inspired by God. We were so lucky to have Damon's parents, my parents, and my sister Corinn come out to Texas for the occasion! There was lots of talking, lots of laughing, and in true Eddington fashion, lots of eating and GAMES!! I am now addicted to Monopoly deal. We went shopping to the disney store, out to eat (RUDY'S), to Sweet Berry Farms to pick pumpkins (and try the pumpkin ice cream!), played at big bounce, and just enjoyed the company.

Lovely weekend.

Sep 28, 2011

By small and simple things

Saturday I went to the Relief Society General Broadcast, and they introduced a book- Daughters in My Kingdom. I started reading it this afternoon and it began by talking about the purpose of the book. I was struck by a phrase in scripture, "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass." I know the authors were getting at the small things we do in relief society, but to me, as I was holding my sweet sleeping Josslynn reading that phrase suddenly took on a whole new meaning. That phrase struck me with the responsibility I have as a mother. My small and simple things are my children. My children can bring to pass great things, but it will depend on me as their mother to show them, to teach, and lead them. They are my blank canvas that I can paint a beautiful picture filled with light, love and faith. How greatful I am to have this job. Often times as a busy mom I forget that the small and simple things I do are bringing to pass great things! I have to remember that every effort I make in raising my kids in the gospel will not go un-noticed. All the small and simple things will be easier to do now, knowing what purpose I do them for.

Sep 26, 2011


Zoey, 3 weeks old
Josslynn, 2 months old

This photo reminded me so much of Zoey's I had to share.

Sep 13, 2011

My, My, how things change

I'm two months old today.

Jul 19, 2011


Josslynn Corinn.
Born July 13, 2011
seven pounds, seven ounces

Jun 29, 2011

The Last Days

2 weeks. 14 days. 336 hours. Till our little family of four becomes a family of 5. This little drama queen has given us a roller coaster pregnancy. I have had more ultrasounds with this one baby than I have had with my others combined, then doubled. NINE ultrasounds. All leading me to conclude that we have a little diva. She has been diagnosed then 'un-diagnosed' with intra-uterine growth restriction four times since 27 weeks. Yesterday she was given a clean bill of growth, or at least maintaining her growth, and I was given the all clear to go until 39 weeks and then the induction will happen. In two weeks. At 6 AM.

There is much to be done. I am crazy when I nest. Like, really crazy. Like, scrub the baseboards, clean the grout, sanitize every surface with my shark steamer, organize every possible closet, container, cupboard kinda crazy. Poor Nash has been banished to the outside, because I can't hack the dog hair, and craigslist has been my ever valiant friend in helping me de-clutter.

The kids summer has revolved around this craziness, with pool time, craft camps, and classes thrown in. Liam is in gymnastics. Zoey in ballet and tap. Liam has a crush on his teacher, Miss Brooke. It is very cute to see him shamelessly flirt with an 18 year old. Zoey is bored in her class and wants to switch back to gymnastics. So much for the $55 I spent on ballet and tap shoes. Both kids are very excited to meet their new baby sister.
obligatory photos of the children
Liam being Liam, and Zoey on vault at her 'parent night'
for gymnastics

My very dear friend Kristine threw me a baby shower last Saturday. A surprise shower. It was so awesome. Everyone pitched in and gave me the last thing I needed. A stroller. Not just any stroller, but THE stroller. The Maclaren techno xlr. I have the best friends a girl could ask for.

These are the last days...

May 29, 2011


Lazy Sunday afternoons are the best.

May 25, 2011


Back in March we went to Zilker Park Botanical Gardens for a garden show. I bought many plants, all of which are thriving in various pots and planters around the house. I am most proud of my Plumeria start, or as Damon calls it, 'Stick'.

Every few days I get an update on how my 'Stick' is doing. "Hey!! Your 'Stick' is growing!!" or some variant of the thought. Makes me irritated. I usually tell him to shut it. Today, he asks, "So if I go into the empty lot next door and pick out a stick and put it in a pot, will it grow?" I tried to be irritated, but ended up just cracking up laughing. Through the laughter I tried to be upset and with out thinking said, "Its called a stick!! Not a plumeria!"

Many laughs were had, and my poor plumeria start will forever be known as "Stick".

It felt so good to laugh.

May 23, 2011

Can’t contain it…

If you have been living under a rock and haven't seen this blog, you really should check it out.

Can’t contain it…

May 7, 2011

mac daddy

I am blogging from my mothers day present. A brand spankin' new iMac. I'm so happy I think I might explode!!!

May 4, 2011

Projects for Purplicious

I was out grocery shopping this week at Whole Foods, and I found the most BEAUTIFUL peonies. Pink peonies. Marco lens perfect. Perfect for a little art project for my purplicious girls room.

I am so thrilled.

May 1, 2011


The spoils of the egg hunt Saturday morning.

Easter Sunday Best.

After the egg hunt

This is Vivian. I love her. I love to photograph her. We had Easter dinner with her and her family, who we think are pretty awesome too.

We had a wonderful weekend filled with time with friends, beautiful music, and reflecting on our Savior, and the miracle He is for the World.

Mar 29, 2011

Birthday Boy

Liam Boy is 4. F-O-U-R. How on earth did that happen!!?? Enjoy the Liam photo montage.

Liam about a year?
Liam at 18 months.
Quite possibly one of my favorites of Liam. Ever. 4 months old.
3 days old
9 months old

Liam is my boy. I can imagine what I would do with out my little man who keeps me busy. He is my protector. I mean, how many little boys constantly check on you to see if you are okay? Or if 'bebe sister' is okay? And the proceeds to teach her how to play legos?

I am so grateful for this little man.

Happy Birthday to my sweet Liam Boy.

Mar 17, 2011


Its spring break. Meaning- all the kids want to do is hang out and ride scooters all day in their pajamas, while I take naps on the couch, or peruse facebook, or shop online for baby gear.

Today during one of my too many facebook checks, I realized something.

My mother has more friends than me.

Then I thought of something else.

My mom's blog, which is SUPER funny, has something like 250 followers.

Me: 21.

I think I need to find the office where they distribute 'cool' cards and turn mine back in. I really hope they don't release me from Young Womens...

Feb 25, 2011


I had my ultrasound this week. I brought with me my entourage: the Husby, the Grandma, the Zoe, and the Liam.

About 2 minutes into it she says to Zoey, "Do you want a sister?"

Zoey: "SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" (lots of wiggling/bouncing in the seat)


Tech: "It's a girl, see? "(clearly no stem on the apple)

Zoey: "Mom. You were WRONG"

Me: "Its a girl? Really?"

Husby: "Don't worry honey, I won't rub it in that I've been right every time. Or that you've been wrong every time..."

The whole rest of the ultra sound I was in a total daze. I was 100% sure it was a boy. I even bought stuff for the nursery. And some clothes. I mean, I was THAT sure.

Mom took me out for some pink retail therapy and after I felt much better. Although I had to deal with Zoey the whole time saying, "Mom, only think about girl babies now. They are so much fun!" and "Mom, you were so wrong." and "This will be so cute for her!!" and filling the basket with clothes. (Thank you Grandma for treating me and Zoey and baby girl with some really cute stuff!!)
All in all, my baby girl has "perfect anatomy" as the Dr put it, and she is doing great. My favorite part was seeing how emotional Husby still gets whenever he talks about the new arrival. How he loves his girls.

Feb 15, 2011

300th Post...

This is what it looked and felt like on a glorious Sunday afternoon ride.

(don't you love Liam's get up? )

This is what it looked like 5 days later.

My kids look so cute in snow gear. Zoey came in at 7 am and said, "There is snow outside" Dad quickly located the cold weather gear and I went outside with Zoey. She informed me after taking 3 steps outside, "This is NOT snow." Its her Colorado blood.

Liam attacking me with one of his 'no-balls' as the kids called them. Not the best snowball snow. But the kids had fun anyway...

See? NO-BALL!!!

At least it made for some pretty snow angles...

Feb 12, 2011

Recipe for a baby

vanilla yogurt with strawberries
2 Philly cheese steaks
french fries
hot fudge brownie Sunday with chocolate custard with whipped cream
handful of trail mix
spinach and garlic chicken sausage on whole wheat bun
1 heaping bowl of whole wheat pasta salad

and its only 7: 30 pm.

this gives baby hungry a whole new meaning.

Feb 2, 2011

Food for a mothers soul

Every Tuesday and Thursday I wake little Liam up early to get ready for school. It has been a particularly cold couple of days here in Austin, and so Liam was completely covered in quilts, with blanket dot covering his head. I poked around to find him in his quilts and when I did he sat up and with one eye open and in croaky little voice said,

"Wanna nuggle?"

and made room for me on the bed under the covers.

We were a little late to preschool that day, but it was so worth it.

Jan 25, 2011


Arizona for Thanksgiving.

Pictures of beautiful family and friends...

Food babies. We ate a delish Thanksgiving dinner with almost our entire Flake family. (Around 70 people)

We worked it off by playing 'Just Dance 2' for an evening.

...and trampoline aero stunts.

This is my fave- Russian dancing and Max's face is classic.

Zoey met Brylinn for the first time. Boy, has she grown.

And just for fun...

It was a wonderful weekend of being together with the whole Eddington family.