Jun 30, 2010

Making a House a Home

We did it! We are now officially homeowners! Yay!
who knew I would have so much fun epoxy-ing the garage floor and sealing grout...

Jun 25, 2010

Texas Observations

I have lived in Texas for almost 7 months now. Here are a few more of my observations.

Every mall has at least one 'Texas' store. Most usually have two, one dedicated to the state, the other dedicated to Universities and professional sports teams.

When you stay at any hotel that has a continental breakfast, the waffle iron is in the shape of Texas.

They make 'Texas Edition' vehicles. Usually huge, lifted, off road type trucks, but have also been sighted as huge, lifted SUV's. They are also limited to American made vehicles.

When you go into ANY store, you will be guaranteed to find all of the following.
1. Someone wearing a University of Texas article of clothing.
2. Someone wearing a Texas A&M article of clothing
3. Someone wearing a Texas article of clothing.
4. Texas merchandise (even the GAP carries a university line of t-shirts)
5. The Texas state flag flying as high as the US flag. (You know we could succeed from the nation and still be A OKAY? That, apparently, is why we can do that)

People look at you weird when you say 'you guys' or 'you all' and not 'ya'll', then ask if you are from back east or California.

I'm fairly certain that braggy bumper stickers were invented here. If you get behind an SUV or a mini van you know how many kids they have, what their kids names are, where they are an honor student, if they take dance lessons/cheernation class, and what sports teams they are on.

Driving rules and regulations are seen as mere suggestions.

I am liking it more and more around here. It is a very entertaining place to be.

Jun 23, 2010



Jun 22, 2010

Wait and see

This has been my mantra for the last 2 years.

Wait and see if Damon gets a promotion,

wait and see where said promotion is,

wait and see where we raise our family.

Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see.

Now we have an offer on a house.

A perfect, beautiful house in Austin, Texas.

The price is perfect, the house is perfect, the neighborhood is perfect.

It is Perfect.

Except for one thing. Not to go into too much detail, but we have to close by June 30th, or we loose the house. With this whole tax credit thing, which we don't qualify for, the underwriter is at max capacity, and because our loan isn't a tax credit eligible, it isn't a high priority.

If we don't get word by tomorrow, we won't close by June 30th.

We will loose the house.

I am so sick of waiting

Jun 18, 2010

updated, again

more baby on the blog.
p.s. happy birthday to my lil' Zoey Jill

Jun 14, 2010


As promised, I posted more of Baby J on the my photography blog


Jun 10, 2010

baby hungry

look what I got to do today...

Jun 6, 2010

June 5

There are some days that mark milestones.
The day you are born, the day you are baptized,
the day you graduate,
the day you get married,
the day you find out you are going to become a mother.
You get the idea.

June 5 is my milestone this year.
It is the 10 year anniversary of my accident.
When I was 16, I was hit by a car.
I will spare you all the details, but let me tell you this.
I have a unshakable testimony of the power of priesthood blessings.
I know that worthy priesthood holders can preform miracles.
I escaped what should have been a paralyzing accident with a busted up knee and a few scratches and bruises.

The busted up knee was my Everest.
An uphill battle with surgeries and physical therapy for almost two years.
I am celebrating this ten year anniversary because I made it 10 years with none of the conditions that my brilliant Doctor told me I would most likely have.
No Arthritis.
No Pain.
No Additional Surgeries.
Most of all, Dr. Sharpe told me I would most likely have a knee replacement by the time I am 30.
I'm almost 27, and there is no reason for such a surgery.

I'm even running.

I know it is because of priesthood blessings, prayers, and faith.
I knew if I kept my end of the bargain, by working hard, keeping in shape, and keeping it strong, I would be blessed.

I am truly blessed.

So I celebrated by eating begals and photographing a self portrait.

Bring on the next 10 years.