Sep 27, 2008

New Ultimate Fave

So I have been so blessed with an abundant supply of Senior Portraits lately. They have come at such a great time with Damon not recieving (again!) his commission in September. Anyways, I photographed John, and now I have a new favorite senior photo. ( I love it when they let me get all artsy with em)

SO COOL. I had a vison, and I love when it comes out better than you hoped. Can you even believe his eyes still pop like that with being out of focus!??

This one is also really cool, but ya know me, Violin trumps piano.

Sep 26, 2008

Liam is learning manners

He is so sweet. After he farts, he says very sweetly, "Uh-Oh!", smiles, and runs away.

Isn't he polite?

Sep 24, 2008

Celebrating by blogging.

Our old house is E.M.P.T.Y. Clean. Done. WHOO HOO!! I am celebrating by eating P.F. changs takeout with my Mom who came all the way up from AZ to help, Blogging, and posting a fam photo and a photo of la casa nueva. Liam LOVES his halloween costume. BAT BOY!!!

Sep 18, 2008

Being Lazy

I know that I should be packing right now, but I am not. I am REALLY REALLY RRREEEAAAALLLLYYY burnt out on the whole concept. We get the keys tonight, then we move in. Saturday is THE BIG MOVE. Thank goodness my beloved Mother is coming Sunday to help me sort through all of our truly fantastic and ever mounting CRAP. Now I am going into the closet with a pillow for some primal scream therapy.

Sep 16, 2008

funny little things

(Zoey on the first day of Pre-school)
Zoey has had a few funny one-liners lately

At Costco, I told her to finish her pizza so she could be big and strong. She looked at me and in all seriousness said, "No Mom, I'm yittle and stwong!!"

She was watching the news with me and said, "Mom. Who is Bama and A Cain, and what are they wacing for??" Any tips on how to explain politics to a 4 year old? I told her a big white house and a limo with flags on it.

She went to Kalssical Kids today, where they learned about emotions in music, and had colored her angry page all in with a dark color. Interesting. Now when she has been angry with me, she hands me a freshly colored in black page and hands it to me and says, "Mom, I'm angwy at you!"

Zoey is loving 'wee-school', and has finally taken an interest in the alphabet. We work every day on learning and writing the letters, and she is doing very well. Although, when she is done, she is done. "Mom, I'm bored, I'm all done with yittle 'c'."
Liam is starting to talk!!! He can say Mom, Dad, Dot, Dog, ink (drink), thank you, (Tan ou), Grandma and grandpa (gama and gapa), more!!, Uh-oh! and no, (he shakes his head no and goes uh-uah). Maily its just the intonations that I can understand, but that's how they learn! Such a smart little guy! Within the last month he has quickly mastered the art of driving Zoey insane. He knows how to push her buttons. For example. He sees Zoey playing with something, and near by is her blanket. He puts a foot on her blanket and waits for her to notice. When she does she starts whining, and then he lays on it, laughing hysterically. He will be a great little brother.

Sep 15, 2008

Intervention Letter

As you know, my amazing Mom celebrated her 50th birthday a few weeks ago. Her brothers and sisters, Mom and Dad all had a 'party' for her. You see, my mother shares my affinity for all things fizzy. Especially Route 44 Diet Coke with strawberries from Sonic. We make daily runs after we hit the gym to rehydrate when I come to visit. So her birthday party with them was an intervention. (Totally a joke, but the letters were HILARIOUS!) I thought I would post my favorite one.

Dear Laraine,

First, Rainy, we want to you know that what we are about to say is done out of love and concern for your welfare, as well as your eternal salvation.

We thought that putting your addiction in a context that you might understand might help you realize the need for this intervention:

So here goes (compare Alma Chapter 39):

And now, our sister, we have somewhat more to say unto thee than what has been said by thy brothers. Have you not observed the steadiness of thy brothers, their faithfulness, and their diligence in keeping the Word of Wisdom? Behold, have they not set a good example for thee?

For thou didst not give so much heed as did thy brothers, among the people of the East Valley, the Tucsonites the Peoriaites and those living in the land of Snowflake. And this is not all, our sister. Thou didst do that which was grievous unto us, for thou didst forsake the family and did go over to the land of Sonic, among the borders of the town of Lehi, after that harlot, Diet Coke.

Yeah, she has stolen away the hearts of many with her pick-me-up caffeine boost and her most desirable and crunchy ice. But this was no excuse for thee, our sister. Know ye not, that this is an abomination, yeah, most abominable above all save it were the drinking of Red Bull.

And now, our sister, we would that ye had not been guilty of so great a crime. We would that you had learned this lesson in thy youth, but ye would not. We would not dwell upon your crimes, to harrow up your soul, if it were not for your good. But you cannot hide your crimes from your family, and except you seek treatment, they will stand as a testimony against you.

Behold, O our sister, how great iniquity ye brought upon the extended Flake family. For when the children of the family of Boone saw your conduct, they would not believe in the words of their fathers, and have chased the twin harlots Godiva and Ghirardelli. (Our cousins, the Boones, were not allowed to eat chocolate because of the caffeine in it. No joke.)Therefore, we command you, our sister, to repent and do good, lest you lead away the hearts of many to destruction. Refrain from your iniquities we pray, and seek treatment.


Jeff and Cheryl

Sep 13, 2008

My Little Zoey

The things I love about you

The way you talk
You already want to find a 'prince' and get married in the Temple
You are such a girly girl
The way you play with Liam
How much you love to play pretend
You are so independent already
Its amazing that you are true to yourself at such a young age...
You are my little nudist
You are an artist
You love music
You want to be a ballerina
You love me, even when I don't deserve it
You are growing up way too fast, but you are in no hurry to either

My Zoey, I love you

Sep 10, 2008

Missionary Letter

TO preface this letter, Max last week told us about this man Vlad, who has a drug problem, and also going to jail. He didn't have to go, all he has to do is fill out some paper work, but he felt it was the only way to get over his drug and alcohol addiction.

Remember how I wrote about that man, Vlad, that was preparing for jail?Well last week we were just walking out the door of the church to go knocking and almost ran into Vlad. It was like seeing a ghost.... we thought he was locked up. I was actually so surprised that I spoke to him in English, asking "are you here to talk to us?" We made our way back up the stairs and sat down with him. Tears came pouring down his cheeks and he said "Did you pray for me?" I kind of just looked at him. Then he asked again, "Did you pray for me every day?" I told him that yes, I had. He went on to explain that since our meeting last week, he felt what he described as a burning in his stomach that spread through his whole body like fire. He said that he knew without a doubt that somebody was praying for him. He did something with the government so that he doesn't have to go to jail till the end of this week because he wanted to find out who was praying for him. Right before he came to us that day, he went into a big church, knelt down and asked God to help him and forgive him his sins. He said that at that moment, the words came to his mind "You have a serious problem" and he immediately knew where to go for help. He came to us. The next day he came again and was extremely scared... he hadn't taken drugs for about a week and I think his body was going through withdrawals. He said that a band of 20 women was following him outside and wouldn't leave him alone. He was terrified. We walked with him for a while and helped him calm down. Yesterday he came again. We sat down and I instantly felt a different feeling than we usually have with him. I felt the spirit and the room just felt light. He smiled at us for the first time since we've met him and said "I'm not going to jail." He was given the choice to go to jail or go through a rehab program. If he gets into the program that he wants,we'll be his sponsors... the only people that can come visit him and take him on walks through the city! He really recognizes us as servants and he knows that all of this good is happening only because of his prayers and determination to get better.

This has just strengthened my testimony that the Lord loves us each as his sons and daughters. He knows what we go through every day, and will send us help if we humbly ask him. Isn't my brother a great missionary!?

Sep 9, 2008


WE HAVE A JOB. Mylan is going to keep DEY. DAMON'S JOB IS SAFE. HUGE BLESSING!! I can't even say how I am feeling. I'm still in shock. I'm overwhelmed. I didn't realize how stressed I was until the stress was relieved. Damon is relieved. As the provider of our home, he was silently suffering more than I was. Now he is going for is MBA, and aggressively pursue management, and climb that corporate ladder. I know that this is a blessing from the Lord, and I am so grateful.

Another reason I miss summer... That means Football season is here.

The Broncos played last night against the Raiders. Damon hates the Raiders almost as much as San Diego. I though I would be able to finish my book, but just as I was going back to our room, Damon asks in this shocked and surprised, voice, " You're not going to watch the game with me?" "..............(awkward silence from me)... Suuurrreee......" ( Inside I was going , "CRAP") I ended up snuggling with my hubby and falling asleep during the 3rd quarter. Except when there was a good play and I was jolted almost to the point of falling off the couch...

Sep 8, 2008

Summer. Sniff Sniff.

WWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Where did it go???? I felt like it was over before it ever really got started!!! Its COLD! Already!! WWWAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Sep 4, 2008


I know a lot of people are asking whats going on with us. So here it is. We are moving. We have found a place (its very close by) and if everything goes through, we will be moving the last week in September. At Damon's POA meeting (don't know what 'POA' stands for, don't ask.) in Chicago, DEY did not announce anything about being acquired. Nada. Although the general feel of the 'Big Dogs' of DEY was very positive, they can't announce anything until it is basically done. They say 4th quarter. October. That's just a rumor, though. Damon feels positive that things will be fine, and that his job will still be his job. I am a little more wary. This is the company that has cheated us out of over $40,000 in commission in one calendar year. I expect them to screw us over any way they can. (this really bugs Damon) I have faith the Lord will take care of us. We have done everything we can. Now we just sit and wait.

Zoey will still go to Mrs. Amy's preschool, and Mrs. Betsy's music class. It will be fine. I am actually happy about the bigger house, with a fenced in yard. I think we will go and get a puppy. I have to think positive or I will go nuts. There are way to many 'ifs' for me to feel comfortable. It is what it is, and there is nothing I can do but have faith and pray. I know many of you have been praying for us and I want to thank you. I have felt so much comfort. So that is whats going on. I am really sad about leaving the 10th ward, I have made so many wonderful friends who are such a great example to me. The Lord has a plan for us, and this home kinda fell into our laps. We know it was one of those 'tender mercies' from the Lord. I just wanted everyone to know so if I call you crying in hysterics, you know why. ;)